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Android On-Body Security Will Now Police Your Phone’s Lock Screen!

AndroidonBody_SSYou can now pair your body with your Android smartphone, and prevent data theft. No additional accessories required. Google is introducing a new feature called Android on Body (sounds so much like wearable Androids!) feature that will police your phone’s lock screen and automatically lock it when you are not holding it in your hands or carrying in your pockets or purse.

The feature, is apparently a part of Android’s Smart Lock capability, and uses the device’s in-built accelerometer to detect such motion. The down side however is that it cannot tell if you are holding the device, or somebody to whom the device was quickly passed with the screen in an unlocked state, is.

After a prolonged inactivity, if the device locks itself automatically, it won’t automatically unlock when its picked back up by the same user. Enter Smart Gear Android watch or a Bluetooth device and such differentiation could be easily possible.

Certainly, some form of pairing with a Bluetooth device, NFC proximity with a trusted device or pairing with an Android smartwatch or a fitness band should allow the device to ‘sense’ if the user of the device is actually the rightful owner, and not somebody from the coffee shop or a restaurant enjoying your oops moment laying hands on your smartphone’s data affluence should you forget it at the table.


The Android on Body feature is seemingly supported by devices running Android Lollipop 5.0 OS and newer versions. However, it it not bundled with the software update itself but an incremental update.

The feature, according to sources, was noticed on Google Nexus 4 sporting Android 5.0.1 OS.

Details on general availability are scarce at the moment but we will keep you posted as they surface. Stay tuned!

Tags: Android Lollipop 5.0 OS, Android Lollipop Features, Android on Body, Android on Body App, Android on Body Software

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