The next Online CWE for RRBs (RRBs CWE-III) for recruitment of Group-A Officers (Scale-I, II & III) and Group-B Office-Assistants (Multipurpose) will be conducted online by the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) tentatively in September 2014.
IBPS, an autonomous body, has been authorised and has received mandates to conduct Common Written Examination (CWE) for the posts of
Officers and Office Assistant (Multipurpose) for 56 Regional Rural Banks (Gramin Banks).
Applications are invited for the Thirs CWE for Rural Banks
Officer posts (Scale-I, II and III) and
Office-Assistants, for which CWE will be conducted.
Those will be successful in the Common Written Exam (CWE) will be given a scorecard (Like CAT exam of IIM) and may apply to any of the participating rural bank when they come up with their job vacancy and then these successful candidates have quote their personal details and their CWE scores. This score card will be valid for one year from the date of issuance.
Each of the bank will issue individual recruitment notifications, details of vacancies, eligibility criteria etc. separately.
Application Fee : Rs.600/- (Rs.100/- for SC/ST/PH candidates) to be deposited Online or Offline.
How to Apply for CWE : Candidates need to apply Online at IBS website from
18/06/2014 to 09/07/2014 only.
Important Dates :
- Payment of Online Application Fees : 18/06/2014 to 09/07/2014
- Payment of Offline Application Fees : 20/06/2014 to 14/07/2014
- Start date of Online submission of Application : 18/06/2014
- Last date for online submission of Application : 09/07/2014
- Date of CWE Exam : 06/09/2014 and 07/09/2014 for Officers posts and 13/09/2014, 14/09/2014 and 20/09/2014 and 21/09/2014 for the posts of Office-Assistant (Multipurpose)
Please visit for all the details available and to submit the application online.