Nephrology nursing is a unique specialty. Because kidney failure requires a great deal of maintenance, nephrology nurses really get to know their patients and often have long-term relationships with them. They learn each patients specific needs and ...

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9/10/2019 - Celebrating Nephrology Nurses

Nephrology nursing is a unique specialty. Because kidney failure requires a great deal of maintenance, nephrology nurses really get to know their patients and often have long-term relationships with them. They learn each patients specific needs and unique indicators for when they do not feel well or are out of sorts, or when they are doing well and should keep up the good work. Tamara Kear, PhD, RN, CNS, CNN has over 30 years of experience as a nephrology nurse and has held a variety of roles within this specialty. In 2020, she will become the Executive Director of the American Association of Nephrology Nurses to help lead the future. Today Lori and Tamara discuss the role of the nephrology nurse and why Lori Hartwell admires and appreciates all they do. Nephrology Nurses week is Sept. 8 " 15, 2019. We would like to say thank you for choosing this career and for making a difference in so many lives.


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