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"Planet ISKCON" - 47 new articles
ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Diwali & Govardhan Puja: 'On' this weekend!
Australian News: Thursday Harinam Sankirtan Sydney Style
As you can see we have taken to enlisting members of the public to join in the harinam party. This guy so wanted to dance with us so we said sure, if you lift up your arms you’re in. So he did and he danced for about 10 minutes. As usual the crowd were very happy to see us Just like last week we did Harinam at our base point 580 George Street. (corner of George and Bathurst Streets, Sydney) Thanks to Lord Gauranga that we are still able to continue in rain, hail or shine. We started at sharp 7pm and chanted for 1 hour. In a very dangerous move Antony was leading the kirtan while holding the maha mantra banner and playing kartalas. Bhaja Govinda was playing the mrdanga, both were chanting Sri Harinam aloud. People passing by waived and some chanted the Hare Krishna mantra with us. This week some young people came forward and chanted with us. It was fun. The owner of the nearby flower stall said: “I see you all every week here, and its nice to see you all and the music you play. I like the sound.” Fortunately enough for him we chant near his stall each week. All glories to Sri Harinama Sankirtana.. See you all next week …. Click here to visit the Sri Harinam every Thursday Face book page and sign up to join in Share this story your way:![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
He was recently admitted into the hospital after suffering from severe internal bleeding. He gradually moved into a state of coma at the hospital in Moscow and he passed away on Thursday, November 4th.
He visited Toronto two years ago and inspired many with his inspiring talks and kirtan. The Hare Krishna Community around the world will miss him immensely. Please join us in the memorial prayer kirtan for Purnachandra Goswami at the Hare Krishna temple tomorrow evening from 6:30pm which will also include Damodarastakam prayers at 8:00pm.
Australian News: For the first time in history…For the first time in its history the Klang Branch of ISKCON, in Malaysia, celebrated Sri Ramachandra Vijayaotsava during October, 2010. The drama depicts the Yuddha Kandha from the Ramayana, the story of Lord Rama of Ayodhya. The Yuddha Kandha describes the climax of the fight between Lord Rama and Ravana, the evil King of demons.
“Soon after the burning Ravana, the deities of Sri Sita, Lord Rama, Lord Lakshman and Hanuman were brought into the temple and devotees welcomed Lord Rama wonderfully,” Jivendran says.
The devotees created a shower of flowers as the Lord went back to his altar to take His rest. “This is how the Ramachandra Vijayotsava came to an end,” Jivendran says, “with devotees enjoying wonderful prasadam.”
Click here to read the rest at Share this story your way:![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Daily Class - Svarupa-sakti MatajiSrimad Bhagavatam 11.26.21-23 - The desire-seeds of sense gratification within the heart are destroyed by devotional service to Krsna. ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Damodarastakam Prayer - Gopa-vrndesa PrabhuLength: 16:00 ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Today's Darsana Bhakti Vikasa Swami: For Dipavali: Krsna's mercy on Yasoda[Damodara-lila took place on the Dipavali day] Because of mother Yasoda's hard labor, her whole body became covered with perspiration, and the flowers and comb were falling from her hair. When child Krsna saw His mother thus fatigued, He became merciful to her and agreed to be bound. O Maharaja Pariksit, this entire universe, with its great, exalted demigods like Lord Siva, Lord Brahma and Lord Indra, is under the control of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Yet the Supreme Lord has one transcendental attribute: He comes under the control of His devotees. This was now exhibited by Krsna in this pastime. Neither Lord Brahma, nor Lord Siva, nor even the goddess of fortune, who is always the better half of the Supreme Lord, can obtain from the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the deliverer from this material world, such mercy as received by mother Yasoda. >>> Ref. VedaBase => SB 10.9.18-20 Subhvavilasa das ACBSP, Toronto, CA: Happy Damodar Lila! On Diwali ~ Unconquerable Lord Damodar is Conquered by Love.Tomorrow is Diwali (for some it has already started). Before giving you wishes for a Happy Diwali, I want to first wish you Happy Damodar-lila since this great event happend on Diwali.
In the purport of Srimad Bhagavatam 10.9.1 it is stated: Srila Visvanatha CakravartiThakura, quoting from the Vaishnava-toshani of SrilaSanatana Gosvami, says that the incident of Krishna's breaking the pot of yogurt and being bound by mother Yasoda took place on the Dipavali Day Krishna is unconquerable but on this day and out of LOVE for Mother Yasoda he was conquered. Srila Prabhupada writes "Krsna is the supreme bestower of all kinds of liberation to His devotees, but the benediction which was bestowed upon mother Yasoda was never experienced even by Lord Brahma or Lord Siva or the goddess of fortune." Srila Prabhupada writes that "The Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is known as the son of Yasoda and Nanda Maharaja, is never so completely known to the yogis and speculators. But He is easily available to His devotees." In this month of Damodar, He is very available to His devotees and bestows great favor. Although most of us know the story of Mother Yasoda tying Krishna up it is important that in this month this "kata" as given to us by our guru, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivendanta Swami Srila Prabhupada is read. What better day to read it then on thay this pastime happend, Diwali. This great kata is: Krsna was sucking the milk, she was smiling, enjoying the beauty of her child's face. Suddenly, the milk which was on the oven began to boil over. Just to stop the milk from spilling, mother Yasoda at once put Krsna aside and went to the oven. Left in that state by His mother, Krsna became very angry, and His lips and eyes became red in rage. He pressed His teeth and lips, and taking up a piece of stone, He immediately broke the butter pot. He took butter out of it, and with false tears in His eyes, He began to eat the butter in a secluded place. In the meantime, mother Yasoda returned to the churning place after setting the overflowing milk pan in order. She saw the broken pot in which the churning yogurt was kept. Since she could not find her boy, she concluded that the broken pot was His work. She began to smile as she thought, "The child is very clever. After breaking the pot He has left this place, fearing punishment." After she sought all over, she found a big wooden grinding mortar which was kept upside down, and she found her son sitting on it. He was taking butter which was hanging from the ceiling on a swing, and He was feeding it to the monkeys. She saw Krsna looking this way and that way in fear of her because He was conscious of His naughty behavior. After seeing her son so engaged, she very silently approached Him from behind. Krsna, however, quikly saw her coming at Him with a stick in her hand, and immediately He got down from the grinding mortar and began to flee in fear. Mother Yasoda chased Him to all corners, trying to capture the Supreme Personality of Godhead who is never approached even by the meditations of great yogis. In other words, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, who is never caught by the yogis and speculators, was playing just like a little child for a great devotee like mother Yasoda. Mother Yasoda, however, could not easily catch the fast-running child because of her thin waist and heavy body. Still she tried to follow Him as fast as possible. Her hair loosened, and the flower in her hair fell to the ground. Although she was tired, she somehow reached her naughty child and captured Him. When He was caught, Krsna was almost on the point of crying. He smeared His hands over His eyes, which were anointed with black eye cosmetics. The child saw His mother's face while she stood over Him, and His eyes became restless from fear. Mother Yasoda could understand that Krsna was unnecessarily afraid, and for His benefit she wanted to allay His fears. Being the topmost well-wisher of her child, mother Yasoda began to think, "If the child is too fearful of me, I don't know what will happen to Him." Mother Yasoda then threw away her stick. In order to punish Him, she thought to bind His hands with some ropes. She did not know it, but it was actually impossible for her to bind the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Mother Yasoda was thinking that Krsna was her tiny child; she did not know that the child had no limitation. There is no inside or outside of Him, nor beginning or end. He is unlimited and all-pervading. Indeed, He is Himself the whole cosmic manifestation. Still, mother Yasoda was thinking of Krsna as her child. Although He is beyond the reach of all senses, she endeavored to bind Him up to a wooden grinding mortar. But when she tried to bind Him, she found that the rope she was using was too short--by two inches. She gathered more ropes from the house and added to it, but at the end she found the same shortage. In this way, she connected all the ropes available at home, but when the final knot was added, she saw that it was still two inches too short. Mother Yasoda was smiling, but she was astonished. How was it happening? In attempting to bind her son, she became tired. She was perspiring, and the garland on her head fell down. Then Lord Krsna appreciated the hard labor of His mother, and being compassionate upon her, He agreed to be bound up by the ropes. Krsna, playing as a human child in the house of mother Yasoda, was performing His own selected pastimes. Of course, no one can control the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The pure devotee surrenders himself unto the lotus feet of the Lord, who may either protect or vanquish the devotee. But for his part, the devotee never forgets his own position of surrender. Similarly, the Lord also feels transcendental pleasure by submitting Himself to the protection of the devotee. This was exemplified by Krsna's surrender unto His mother, Yasoda. Caitanya Mangala, CA, USA: Kulimela Australia: Limited Time Registration DiscountI’m going to keep this short and sweet! It’s time to get excited as we are only 8 WEEKS AWAY from Kulimela Australia!
The dates are from the 27th of December 2010 through the 9th of January 2011, with the 4 day Kulimela part running from Thursday the 6th of January to Sunday the 9th. You have only until Nov 14th to register yourself at the discounted “Child’s” booking rate. This means AU $64 per week, which is almost half off the regular adult registration fee (AU $108). We are on track to set the standard of these events with world class Kirtan leaders and the ideal location. Plus, of course, Seminars, Workshops, Japa Walks, Kuli Association, Sports Activities, Arts, Fashion, Music, Performances & Amazing Prasadam! For all you internationals, there has never been a better time to come to Australia. Please, do whatever you need to do to come for Kulimela! Please RSVP now to let us know you’re coming and pay your registration at Your Friend & Servant, Nitai – Festival Coordinator “Any questions – Just ask! I look forward to meeting you all!” ![]() Japa Group: Fit To Become A spiritual MasterWhen a devotee is perfectly qualified in chanting the transcendental vibration of the holy name, he is quite fit to become a spiritual master and deliver all the people of the world. The chanting of the holy name is so powerful that it gradually establishes its supremacy above everything in the world. Teachings of Lord Caitanya H.H. Sivarama Swami: Vidyagati dd wants to know about the alleged changes to Srila Prabhupada’s books by the BBT
H.H. Sivarama Swami: Why we do not put visitor’s deities on Radha Syama’s "Lord Damodara Comes to Kuala Lumpur and Stays " - a Brief Overview of The Damodara ProgramIt has been 10 years since the devotees of Sri Jagannatha Mandir, ISKCON Vraj Parikrama 2010 Update (5th & 6th day) Santanu kund & Radhakund
Today 27th Oct 2010. Devotees enthusiastically started gathering on Bank of Krishna Kund in the early morning and very sweet morning rhythm Hare Krishna Mahamantra and Jiva jago jiva jago Goda Cada bole kirtan, everyone was relishing with open heart the bliss carried through vibration. To relish the sweetness of Kirtan, you are cordially invited in advance for next year Silver Jubilee Vraj Parikrama 2011 Sri Ramachandra Vijayaotsava celebrated by ISKCON Klang for the first time
During the drama devotees were ecstatically chanting the Holy names of Lord Rama. Toward the end Lord Ram strings his bow and aims his arrow at the 9 foot tall Ravana, burning him to ashes Reminder Gorardhana Puja Festival November 7, 2010Murari Sevaka: We want this Goverdhana Puja festival to initiate the rejuvenation of a brilliant future for Murari…a future of acceptance, tolerance and loving relationships with all devotees. The Samprajna Institute NewsletterThe Samprajña Institute: HMEC Conference 2010, Dialectical Spiritualism Project, and Chairman Basu Ghosh Das's USA Visit Update on the health condition of HG Devaki Mayi ddTusti Mohan Krsna das: As you all may know by now, that our very dear God sister HG Devaki Mayi dd had a very dangerous car accident in Guayaquil, Ecuador in South America, and that she is in intensive care unit in coma. I just had a phone call at 5:20 pm Local time in Ecuador with her husband, our very dear God brother Ekanath Gaura Prabhu and with our dear God sister HG Sarvasakti dd KulimeLA 2009: Bhajan Kutir - Volume 3 CD now available at!Kuli Mela Association: Heartfelt Kirtans with Krishna Kishor & Visvambhar (Mayapuris), Radhanath Swami, Bada Haridas, Aniruddha das, Gopal Krishna das and more… Prayer to Ugra Narasimhadeva (for HH. Purnacandra Goswami)Marunda devi dasi: Dear Ugra Narasimhadeva, this is a prayer from your insignificant servant who is humbly asking for mercy. I know that You have power to burn demons by Your mere glance... ISKCON Why It Is Important To Drink Lots Of Water
ISKCON Srila Prabhupada at the Moscow Book Fair
Srila Prabhupada's Letters1967 November 4: "Every minute I think of you and and as you asked me to go to San Francisco while returning from India, I am trying to fulfill my promise. I am thinking of going directly to San Francisco." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1970 November 4: "Now I want to simply begin translating. The atmosphere here is very relaxing, such as I have not found anywhere else in India. So in every way it is very conducive to my translating work and beginning today I will spend all my time translating." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1970 November 4: "Our actions are all meant for pleasing Krishna. If we act always in this consciousness automatically everyone will be attracted to devotional service, and this is the secret of our preaching work." Moscow News
I am excited and happy to let you know that, by the mercy of the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna, the great struggle for getting the land from the Moscow government to build a Sri Sri Radha-Krishna temple in Moscow is almost over URGENT - 2 brahmachari pujaris wanted for the UKRavinol Chambers: When: As soon as possible Where: ISKCON Birmingham, UK How long: Full time for 2 years contract (after 2 years contract reviewed) Duties: Deity services including worshiping, dressing, cooking, cleaning, offering, special religious services including congregational support, pastoral care and kirtan. Expenses paid: Flights to UK and home after 2 years paid All living expenses covered while in the UK and serving at the temple New Vrndavan, USA: Govardhana Puja ScheduleThis Saturday, November 6th. 2010, is the Govardhana Puja Celebration. 8 to 9:00 AM Srimad Bhagavtam Class…Hopefully by Varsana Swami 5 to 6:00 PM Lecture 6 to 6:30 PM Abhishek/Bhajans 6:30 to 7:00 PM Story Telling by Sankirtan 7 to 8:00 PM Maha Kirtan and Circumambulating Sri Govardhana Hill 8:00 PM Maha Prasadam Feast Hope to see you there. H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: Free WriteI turned at random to Srimad-Bhagavatam Canto 3, Chapter 17, verse 1: “Sri Maitreya said: ‘The demigods, the inhabitants of the higher planets, were freed from all fear upon hearing the cause of the darkness explained by Brahma, who was born from Vishnu. Thus they all returned to their respective planets.’ “The demigods, who are denizens of the higher planets, are also very much afraid of incidents such as the universe becoming dark, and so they consulted Brahma. This indicates that the quality of fear exists for every living entity in the material world. The difference between the demigods and ordinary human beings is that the demigods approach authority, whereas the inhabitants of this earth defy authority. If people would only approach the authority, then every adverse condition in this universe would be rectified. Arjuna was also disturbed on the Battlefield of Kuruksetra, but he approached the authority, Krishṇa, and his problem was solved. The conclusive instruction of this incident is that we may be disturbed by some material condition, but if we approach the authority who can actually explain the matter, then our problem is solved. The demigods approached Brahma for the meaning of the disturbance, and after hearing from him they were satisfied and returned home peacefully.” So the election results are in and the Republican Party has taken control over the Congress by a great majority. The Democrats failed to bring about positive change in the economy, and the Republicans opposed them in all their attempts at legislation. Now it will be up to the Republicans to prove they can improve things. People are already talking about who the Republicans will run for president in 2012. This is a contaminating arena, full of opportunistic, scheming, and pushing for agendas. J.S. teased me for thinking that Barack Obama could do some good. Devotees don’t get implicated in worldly politics but try to spread the auspicious Krishna consciousness movement. We have faith that Krishna can bring about change. But the do-gooder has to put his body on the line and fight for it. We try our best to spread the movement of Lord Caitanya. It doesn’t seem very possible that we can be influential. We don’t belong to this world, but we try to help people of this world to be an instrument and contribution in their own spiritual progress and for the world in general. The basement art space is ready now. An easel is set up, and I can sit before it and work on cardboard sheets. We don’t have paint yet, but I have colored pencils and oil sticks. I think after this writing session I’ll go downstairs and begin something. It’s cool in the basement, and I’ll need a sweater, sweatshirt and jumpsuit. Maybe just start on small Bristol boards with faces and abstracts. Eventually get around to Krishna conscious figures. I watched President Obama’s press conference where he humbly admitted his party had been “shellacked” in the elections. I thought he handled himself well and intelligently. Afterwards, some commentators said they were impressed, but on another channel someone spoke strongly against him. I don’t want to become a political junkie and continue to see how things develop. I had a sharp headache in the morning but nothing after that. Do I dare to write and then try art? If you do something it should be with a face looking at death. Prepare yourself. Position yourself at the feet of Krishna. It will not be easy. You slip into that “good night,” which is actually the next life, carried like a cat carries its kitten in its jaws but not like a cat carries a rat in its jaws. I’d like to write and to drift naturally into topics about Krishna. It is still Karttika season, and they are lighting the candles and singing Damodarastakam. In Damodarastakam, Satyavrata Muni prays for the direct darsana of Krishna. He mentions Radha also. While writing this I feel the beginning of a headache sensation, and I took medicine and now I am writing again. Try to avoid a surge of pain by overstress. I would like to do art after the writing, but maybe I should chill out (rest). Krishna is the Supreme Being. I have read it in scriptures and heard it from my spiritual master. I have a pain in my back neck. I don’t know whether it came from doing the exercises in the morning. I’ve lost a few pounds, so that’s a sign that the exercises are good for me. By the end of the week it will be Govardhana Puja, and we will have a celebration. Some guests will come, and I’ll speak on the lila. I have Saci rereading it to me, and I said I may make some rehearsal notes. Krishna humbles Indra, who is acting crazy, insulting Krishna and trying to destroy the Vrajavasis in Vrndavana. Krishna smiled and forgave him but warned him to remember who his master was. Indra was repentant. You want to emphasize the celebration-procession and the big feast (which is still offered today, annakuta) where devotees throw prasadam on the ground and people collect it and eat it). Everyone is fed and cared for, even the poor people and beggars and the cats and dogs. Emphasize the feast and the gigantic form Krishna manifests, and don’t forget the aftermath: Indra’s anger, and sending the storms, and Krishna lifting Govardhana Hill and holding it as an umbrella to protect all the residents. Radha and Govinda stand and let me look upon Them. Another day passes. “You can do it, all you need is a hand, you can do it, everything’s comin’ up roses for you and for me.” Krishna appeared as the hill itself, in the stones, then in His original form, and then in the gigantic form—like in the churning of the milk ocean, where He appears in several forms at once. H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: One Hundred Prabhupada Poems#79 Prabhupada, pick me up,
Prabhupada, I love you.
Prabhupada, I am a tape recorder for you.
I cut my hair for you,
I read your books and underline sections
H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: TilakaPut on your tilaka,
It is such an important symbol,
But we prefer the light sandy gopi-chandan and
Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati said his disciples
Lord Krishna didn’t always wear
The simple, down-pointing
Srila Prabhupada's Letters1971 November 4: "It is very encouraging to hear that my Sannyasis are traveling and preaching. Visit existing temples and this will enliven the devotees tremendously. We must keep our centers strong. This will be the greatest preaching program." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1971 November 4: "So far the paintings you have sent, they are bona fide but for the ordinary man they appear sensual. So better not to display such paintings, not even in our temples." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1975 November 4: "You are doing solid work, even alone, and I am very pleased. This is the test for a sincere devotee. Simply by carrying out the order of the Spiritual Master, ones success in spiritual life is guaranteed. I thank you for your endeavor." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1975 November 4: "The best way to associate with the Spiritual Master is to follow his instructions. Physical presence is sometimes appreciable and sometimes not. Therefore we should take advantage of vani, his words because his vani exists eternally." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1975 November 4: "Now I am getting old, so if you can do things without me, that will be a great pleasure for me. Still if I get the chance, I will come for the Ratha Yatra festival." Subhvavilasa das ACBSP, Toronto, CA: Krishnas celebrating Diwali: The Festival of Lights."ABC News - What if you could celebrate Halloween, Thanksgiving and New Year's all in the same day? This weekend you can at the Hare Krishna Temple."
It always amazes me how His Grace Caru Prabhu get great news coverage that attracts so many locals and allows him and his team to preach the glories of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu to the masses including local university students. Today is no different. Check out the link below! (Perhaps this is also inspiration for other temples to be more active with media relations as well) H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Tuesday, November 2nd, 2010A plug in for “Unity in Diversity”
H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Monday, November 1st, 2010Get Smart
H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Sunday, October 31st, 2010Expert Shifting
Akrura das, Gita Coaching: WHAT I DOOne of the ways I serve people is to help them make sense of what is happening to them and what they are facing in their lives. Yoga of Ecology, Bhakta Chris, USA: A Hindu Sect Devoted To The EnvironmentBy AKASH KAPURPublished: October 7, 2010 in the New York Times
DHUNDLI, INDIA — About three kilometers from this village, across dirt tracks and open scrubland, there is a settlement of seven mud huts bordered by millet and lentil fields. No electricity or telephone poles run to these huts. There’s not a satellite dish to be seen. In the dry, open land that surrounds the settlement — part of the great Thar Desert that dominates the western part of the state of Rajasthan — black buck deer roam freely, foraging for leaves. They are noticeably bold; they seem unafraid of strangers. The deer have good cause to feel safe. The settlement — like scores of others that dot this harsh landscape — is populated by members of the Bishnoi, a community that traditionally reveres and protects nature. Although they are often referred to as a tribe, the Bishnoi are, more properly, a sect within Hinduism. They were founded in the 15th century when a saint laid down 29 precepts for his followers (hence their name: bis means 20 in the local dialect, and noi means nine). Today, there are around 600,000 Bishnoi, spread across northern and central India. Several Bishnoi precepts are directed at encouraging harmony between man and nature. They include injunctions against eating meat and felling trees, and an exhortation to “be compassionate toward all living beings.” The Bishnoi are devoted ecologists. Although they are friendly people, full of toothy smiles and warm hospitality, they can also be fierce when defending nature. The Bishnoi of this area have been known to chase down poachers and attack them. The Bishnois’ ecological ethic represents a remarkable ideology in modern India, where the environment so often seems to take a back seat to the quest for economic growth. Across the country, forests and glaciers are dwindling, air and land are being polluted, and coastlines are disappearing. A recent World Bank report suggests that environmental sustainability is likely to be “the next greatest challenge” to India’s development in coming years. I wanted to visit the Bishnoi settlement outside Dhundli because I wondered if their way of life offered a path to sustainability. Historically, India’s environmental consciousness (such as it is, anyway) has often been driven by grass-roots, traditional movements. Many people attribute the birth of modern Indian environmentalism, for example, to the Chipko movement, a spontaneous protest that erupted in the 1970s when peasants in the Himalayas rose up to stop the destruction of their forests. More recently, the environmental costs of development have been highlighted by the discontent of tribal populations that have protested large mining and industrial projects in several states. Could the Bishnoi, in the same way, have something to teach the rest of the country about living in harmony with nature? I was introduced to the Bishnoi way of life by Sajjan Bishnoi, the 75-year old patriarch of the settlement I visited, and his son, Khiyaram Bishnoi. Sitting under a leafy neem tree, they told me about their community’s efforts to live with nature. Nobody in their settlement ate meat, they said. Nobody used electricity. They only used motor vehicles when they absolutely had to. Khiyaram Bishnoi pointed to a thatchlike material on the roofs of their houses. He said they only used plants they knew animals didn’t eat. He told me, also, that the Bishnoi tried to limit their use of plastic — a choice that was evident in the clean surroundings, noticeably absent of garbage, and in particular of the plastic waste that plagues so many villages and towns in India. Plastic, he said, was bad for the environment. It lined the bellies of animals, and sometimes choked them. This evidence of ecological living was impressive. But it was clear, also, that for all their adherence to an ancient way of life, the Bishnoi were struggling against the onslaughts of modernity. Sajjan Bishnoi talked about another son. He worked in a distant town, as a miner. When asked whether he was aware of what mines did to the environment, how they split open the earth and choked trees with their dust and explosives, he grimaced and said, “It’s necessary for the money.” He also told a familiar tale of agricultural decline — how yields had gone down, how the water had turned bad. Once, the Bishnoi had been able to live off the land. Now many were forced to move to the cities and take up modern jobs. The overall impression, sitting in that quiet, bucolic and in many ways quite inspiring settlement, was of an island. I was impressed by the Bishnoi way of life, but I wondered how long they would be able to maintain it. I felt the world was closing in, washing up against the island, eating away at its shoreline. Father and son both spoke of a new generation that was living in the cities. Sometimes, they conceded, this generation lost themselves. They would drink, maybe even eat meat. “India is getting more and more developed,” Khiyaram Bishnoi said. “People like us are less educated and have more expenses. Our children will move to cities.” He said he worried that the 29 precepts would decline. He gave me a tour of the settlement. He showed me the small huts in which they lived, the mud vessels in which they cooked. It all had a simplicity that was almost heartbreaking. As we walked around, he said that he, too, worked sometimes in the city. It was difficult out there; he hated the filth and the crowds. But he had no choice. He had a family. He had to feed them. I folded my hands and thanked him for the tour. “Good luck,” I said. “I think you have a hard time ahead of you.” “Yes, hard time,” he said, and he smiled. “Hard time, but a good life.” Join an online conversation at . Australian News: Adelaide ISKCON: Govardhana puja is comingCome and celebrate the amazing pastime when Lord Krishna lifted Govardhana Hill for seven days to protect His devotees from the storms brought by Indra. The festival will be celebrated on Sunday 7th of November at 5pm with kirtan, arati, hearing the glories of Govardhana, a ghee lamp offering, and sumptuous feast. Don’t miss the special event on the day: the children performing their drama, “The Lifting of Govardhana Hill.” ISKCON Adelaide Ki Jay Share this story your way:![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Australian News: Melbourne Cup Harinama 2010: The mobile phone video30 devotees went to the Melbourne Cup to share the Holy Name. One of the race foremen feared the sound of a loud sankirtan party may scare the horses. The devotees decided to chant quietly and with little mrdanga and no kartals. Clapping and singing the name of Krishna they shared the Holy Names with the passing crowd. Harinama Sankirtan ki Jay The following video is made using a mobile phone but you can still hear, see and feel the wonderful sound emanating from the sankirtan party. More videos from the mobile phone here Share this story your way:![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Gouranga TV: Bhajan – Kalachandji’s Kirtan Group @ Denton Unitarian Church – Jiv Jago Jiv JagoBhajan – Kalachandji’s Kirtan Group @ Denton Unitarian Church – Jiv Jago Jiv Jago Japa Group: By Such Chanting One Is BlessedStrictly speaking, when chanting the names of the Panca-Tattva one should fully offer his obeisances: sri krsna caitanya prabhu nityananda sri advaita gadadhara srivasadi gaura bhakta vrnda. By such chanting one is blessed with the competency to chant the Hare Krishna mantra with out offense. From Namamrta by Srila Prabhupada More Recent Articles |
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