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"Planet ISKCON" - 34 new articles
ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Daily Class - Gangesvara PrabhuSrimad Bhagavatam 11.28.15 - Though the spirit soul remains aloof from material emotions such as fear and lamentation, still they should be dovetailed in devotional service and not rejected artificially. ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Today's Darsana
Japa Group: The Blessings Of A Sadhu
Day 3 We all were found by a devotee and a spiritual master accepted our service, by their mercy we are blessed in this chanting and all the good benedictions come to us. May the Lord always be with us in our chanting. your servant, Aruna devi Bhakti Lata, Alachua, USA: Owner vs. ThiefMayapur doesn't care if I love it here or not. Mayapur doesn't care if I'm a devotee or if I'm a dog. Bhakti Vikasa Swami: victims of the mindEven though a woman be made of wood or stone, she becomes attractive when decorated. One becomes sexually agitated even by touching the form. Therefore one should not trust his mind, which is so fickle that it can give way to enemies at any moment. The mind is always accompanied by six enemies -- namely, kama, krodha, mada, moha, matsarya and bhaya -- that is, lust, anger, intoxication, illusion, envy and fear. Although the mind may be merged in spiritual consciousness, one should always be very careful in dealing with it, just as one is careful in dealing with a snake. One should never think that his mind is trained and that he can do whatever he likes. One interested in spiritual life should always engage his mind in the service of the Lord so that the enemies of the mind, who always accompany the mind, will be subdued. If the mind is not engaged in Krsna consciousness at every moment, there is a chance that it will give way to its enemies. In this way we become victims of the mind. >>> Ref. VedaBase => Madhya 11.10 H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: 166Excerpts from Sri Harinama Cintamani (spoken by Haridasa Thakura to Lord Caitanya and written by Bhaktivinoda Thakura): “To criticize the Vedic teachings is offensive:
“Jaimini, Kapila, Nagna, Nastika Sugata and Gautama are six philosophers who were stuck with the fangs of mundane logic and reasoning. They simply did some lip service to the teachings of the Vedas, but they did not accept God. Jaimini propagated that the best knowledge the Vedas has to offer is the fruitive ritualistic portion known as karma-kanda. Kapila dared to state that God was imperfect; he accepted the process of yoga, but without understanding its deeper implications. Nagna spread poison by teaching the practice of tantra that is in the mode of ignorance. Carvaka Nastika was an atheist who never accepted the authority of the Vedas, and Sugata, the Buddhist, imposed a different meaning upon them. Gautama propagated logic and did not worship the Supreme Lord.
I woke up to the alarm clock at 3:00 A.M. and started my chanting in a wide-awake situation. I did not dabble in any of these false conclusions of the Vedas based on bogus philosophies. I stick to the simple method taught by Lord Caitanya and passed on by Srila Prabhupada. The name of Krishna is not different than Krishna Himself. Sometimes the Lord deliberately taught false philosophies, but in any case they are not to be followed perpetually. Only devotional service is the means by which to chant the holy name and benefit from its eternal proposition. There are many false philosophies
H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: Prabhupada Meditations
Prayer for Help
sri-rupa-raghunatha-pade yara asa
Praying at the lotus feet of Sri Rupa and
“‘In every line he’s thinking of Rupa-Raghunatha, the previous acaryas. So let me surrender to the Gosvamis, and they will help me to write. You cannot write! That is not possible. So this is Vaisnava policy.’” (from a lecture by Srila Prabhupada in London, July 17, 1973, on Bhagavad-gita) ISKCON Melbourne, AU: 12-hour Kirtan - Live
ISKCON Toronto, Canada: Gita Jayanti Celebrated at ISKCON Toronto
The Gita lucidly explains the nature of consciousness, the self and the universe. It contains both the essence of India's spiritual wisdom and the answers to questions that have been posed by philosophers for centuries.
An intimate setting was created and over a three hour span, the Sanksrit verses of the Gita were collectively read by the assembled group. Sometimes, the simplest festivals can be the sweetest!
![]() Kirtans in Oxford, UK: December Kirtan Cancelled
Matsyavatara das (ACBSP), Italy: Celebration of Srila Prabhupda’s disappearance9th November 2010 Bhaktivedanta ashrama We are in Bhaktivedanta ashrama, all silent and intent to celebrate the exceptional departure of Srila Prabhupada from this world, eternal source of spiritual inspiration. Srila Gurudeva offers a heartful and deep reflection: At the moment of our departure, we draw up all life’s experiences and understanding matured. We all must meet the moment of truth. Under these circumstances masks fall off and it appears a new unexpected reality. If life is surprise, you can imagine what the death will be. People think naively that it is possible to plan everything, being certain that the future is predictable regarding the present; actually, it isn’t so. It’s necessary to be prepared to meet every experience in life, all the more the moment of death. Thousands of people pass away and each act of departing is unique; the being gets separated from its physical embodiment in a peculiar way and begins his journey somewhere else hard to predict. Therefore, it’s immensely important and of incalculable utility and convenience to learn from those who prepared themselves for that passage. What could we learn from others who avoided to talk about Death in their Lives, consequently not prepared for that crucial passage? We can only learn from the ones who prepared themselves for this experience in full consciousness and Devotion to God. We can realize a treasure of Wisdom and Love, learning from Shrila Prabhupada, a pure devotee of the Lord, from the way he left this world, his level of consciousness and sentiments involved to prepare his Journey. We read from Shrila Prabhupada Lilamrita, chapter entitled “The Final Lesson”: “Love wins over Death. The Eternal Love and Devotional Service can’t be taken away by Death”. This is the great lesson taught by Shrila Prabhupada. “Shrila Prabhupada’s most precious and brilliant gem at his departure was his attitude of complete humbleness and his intensive affection for his disciples and all creatures. On 14th November 1977 at 7.30 P.M., in his room at Krishna Balarama Mandir in Virndavana, Shrila Prabhupada left this world and returned to the Lord, giving us the most precious teaching. He taught how to live, he taught how to die. He taught that Life is pure Love for God and every living being. Shrila Prabhupada taught through his books, his works, his life and through his death in the end. The Spritual Master lives forever with his disciple, until the latter follows his teachings with fidelity and pureness. The greatest gift is devotional service in separation, the highest ecstatic realization. After reading, we chant “Je anilo prema dhana” and meditate on the Greatness of Shrila Prabhupada and of those who serve him in pureness and diffuse all Glories, Love and Mercy of the Lord. Devadeva Mirel, Alachua, USA: Recipe : Vegan / Gluten Free Chocolate Chip CookiesJust in time for the holidays, this post features my Delaware-based friend Lynn Eva Barber’s beautiful gluten free chocolate chip cookies. “They have a nice chewy, ungrainy texture unlike most g/f baked goods. I have lots of people in my life who don’t eat wheat, and since most g/f desserts are full of eggs, this works out great for family gatherings, etc.” —So sayeth Lynn. For more creative cooking ideas, as well as a full range of assorted cuteness, check out Lynn’s newest creations and finds at Scissors & Spice. The original recipe is by Barbara Arnold. Here is the recipe with Lynn’s tweaks. It is an easy recipe to veganize, just remember to check those chocolate chips for any dairy content! Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Cookies Ingredients
*photos courtesy of Lynn Eva Barber Tagged: baking, chocolate chip cookies, dessert, gluten free baking, lifestyle, recipes, special diets, vegan, vegetarian ![]() ISKCON Toronto, Canada: Next Live Broadcast - Sunday at 7:30am EST
Sunday's class will be entitled, "Propelling Through - Flushing the Internal Systems (Overcoming Obstacles)". We will have a chat window for all online viewers to ask questions during the class. Hare Krishna! Subhavilasa das ACBSP, Toronto, CA: Honoring the Appearance of Narada Muni, the divine sage ~ Narayana, Narayana, Narayana...Narada Muni brings images of a divine sage carrying his Tampura and in bhakti chanting Hari, Hari, Hari and Narayana, Narayana, Narayana. For Vaishnavas this imagery also carries with it very important weight since in the Guru parampara, Narada Muni is directly linked in the Gaudiya Sampradaya tradition since he is the son of Brahma. In the Bhagavad Gita As-it-is in validation of the importance of this disciplic succession it states, "This supreme science was thus received through the chain of disciplic succession, and the saintly kings understood it in that way." (4.2)
As practitioners of bhakti-yoga his example and teachings are very important and he lays these teachings out in the Narada Bhakti Sutra which he authored. Of course his teachings and examples have numerous mentions in vedic texts such as the Bhagavata Purana and by our Guru, Srila Prabhupada. As practioners of Deity worship to the personable form of Lord Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, we follow the teachings of Narada Muni daily through the Pāñcarātra text which outlines the process of deity worship as is being carried out by the Hare Krishna movement. Narada Muni is the manifestation of spirtual enlightenment and we are enlightened and fortunate to be part of this greatest Parampra that links us with the divine sage, Narada Muni. This link for us is thanks to His Divine Grace A.C. Bhativedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada and thus I will turn to his word from the purport of the Bhagavad Gita (10.26). Of all trees I am the banyan tree, and of the sages among the demigods I am Narada. Of the Gandharvas I am Citraratha, and among perfected beings I am the sage Kapila The banyan tree (asvattha) is one of the highest and most beautiful trees, and people in India often worship it as one of their daily morning rituals. Amongst the demigods they also worship Narada, who is considered the greatest devotee in the universe. Thus he is the representation of Krishna as a devotee. The Gandharva planet is filled with entities who sing beautifully, and among them the best singer is Citraratha. Amongst the perfect living entities, Kapila, the son of Devahuti, is a representative of Krishna. He is considered an incarnation of Krishna, and His philosophy is mentioned in the Srimad-Bhagavatam. Later on another Kapila became famous, but his philosophy was atheistic. Thus there is a gulf of difference between them. [Editor's note: Subhavilasa das gave this to me last week for posting yesterday which marked the appeance, however I am a bit tardy in transcribing his notes and references ~ Indresh] Balabhadra dasa: Latest ISCOWP News
Mayapur Online: Welcome to Ganga Sagar Mela-12th to 16th January 2011.
H.H. Sivarama Swami: Loka-bandhu asks
Subhavilasa das ACBSP, Toronto, CA: Hare Krishna devotees adopt lower-profile styleSome may have seen a similar article in the Toronto Star a couple of months ago but this is the article that JUST appeared in the Winnepeg Free Press with our very own Bhaktimarga Swami. You can read the rest of the article at the link provided below.
This is a form of sankirtan as well since thousands of people in Winnepeg have read and taken Krishna's name as they read the article in their local newspaper... Hare Krishna! Whatever happened to the Hare Krishna movement? Back in the 1970s, robed members of the sect were frequently seen on street corners, chanting the Hare Krishna mantra, with their hair shorn.
These days, you are more likely to see robed Anglican bishops occupying a street corner in the financial district and passing out literature. Krishna devotees haven't gone into hiding, but they have toned down the missionary zeal from those crazy days of counterculture movements. As one senior devotee says, "We are now more interested in quality than quantity." Formed by his Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada in 1965, the Hare Krishnas of the time were full of brashness and ideals. Today The Greatest Dialogue In History, The Bhagavad Gita, Was Spoken By Krishna
Two great armies assemble at the scene of Kurukseta, flying banners, drawn up opposite one another on the field, poised for battle. Arjuna and his charioteer Krishna are carrying their conversation between the two armies reflecting the indecision of Arjuna about the question; should he fight against and kill his friends, kinsmen and teacher? A Story Of Book Distribution To Muslims
Initially it was going slow, so I prayed to Srila Prabhupada and soon people were actually stopping and listening. Our opening remarks were in reference to this being the month that Krishna spoke the Gita 5000 years ago. Marutvati Devi Dasi passes away
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing away of Marutvati Devi Dasi, a lovely disciple of Srila Prabhupada. She left this world on the morning of 15th December at her home in Soest, Netherlands. Her departure follows a long brave battle with cancer ISKCON ISKCON Member Appointed Chaplain to Oxford University The Great Moon Landing Hoax
Surprisingly, there are those who, while claiming to believe in the words of the pure devotee, have also swallowed NASA’s lunar launch ruse Sri Mayapur International School Sports Day 2010Gunacuda dasi: The students of Sri Mayapur International School held their Annual Sports Day on December 16th. The event was well attended by parents, community members and special guests, H. H Jayapataka Maharaja, H. H Bhakti Purushottam Maharaj, H. G Jananivas prabhu , H. G Atmananda prabhu and former SMIS Principal H. G Lalita mataji Teaching vacancies at Sri Mayapur International SchoolGunacuda dasi: Positions Vacant for Grade 6 Primary School Teacher (Start by March 2011) High School English teacher (to start January/February 2011) An Earnest Plea for HelpSyamacandra das: Because I am unable to work I can not afford to pay for my and my care givers tickets. Therefor I am humbly asking for any kind of assistance to please allow me to live my dream Chef required for Govinda’s Restaurant, Swansea, Wales, UKDanda-krt dasa: We are looking for a qualified chef (not cook) for our restaurant in Swansea, UK. We have a temple run restaurant which has been operating for 10 years in Swansea and are looking to increase the menu options so are looking for an extra chef Paul Ignozza (Prahlad Nrsimha) departsSankarsana das: Paul Ignozza (recently initiated as Prahlad Nrsimha das by Hanumat Presaka Swami) passed away from this world at the age of 61 on December 11 shortly after 1 pm in a hospice in Port Charlotte, Florida ISKCON Radhacharan Dasa: The Deity Designer
Jaya Kesava Das, USA: And that was my impressionWhen we first meet people or visit places, especially for a long term stay, the first few days can be a bit rocky, sketchy, uncertain. But as far as I have experienced in my travels, its a hard thing leaving once you've spent time with people.
Japa Group: Japa PoemBooks are the basis. From Bhajan Kutir #165 ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Daily Class - Vaiyasaki PrabhuSrimad Bhagavatam 11.28.14 - By following the bhakti-yoga process nicely we can go back to Godhead at the end of this life. ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Jaya Radha Madhava - Vaiyasaki PrabhuLength: 7:30. Gouranga TV: Hari Nam in VrindavanMore Recent Articles |
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