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"Planet ISKCON" - 38 new articles
H.G. Sankarshan das Adhikari, USA: Thursday 17 February 2011--The Sublime Nature of Existential Reality--and--Demon Threatens to Steal My Next BodyA daily broadcast of the Ultimate Self Realization Course(tm) Thursday 17 February 2011 The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Sri Krishna, and His eternal consort, Srimati Radharani are enjoying transcendental pastimes in the topmost planet of the spiritual world, Sri Goloka Vrindavan. They are beckoning us to rejoin them. Our Mission: To help everyone awaken their original Krishna consciousness, which is eternal, full of knowledge and full of bliss. Such a global awakening will, in one stroke, solve all the problems of the world society bringing in a new era of unprecedented peace and prosperity for all. May that day, which the world so desperately needs, come very soon. We request you to participate in this mission by reviving your dormant Krishna consciousness and assisting us in spreading this science all over the world. Dedicated with love to ISKCON Founder-Acharya: His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, our beloved spiritual master, and to you, our dear readers. Today's Thought: The Sublime Nature of Existential Reality Uploaded from Bhaktivedanta Ashram--Austin, Texas USA What could be more sublime than reality? Existence is itself the most wonderful, auspicious experience. It is only when we become covered by the illusion of bodily identification that we experience existence as something less, as something miserable. Therefore, for one who is in illusion there is nothing more important and essential than the reawakening of his original, divine, enlightened consciousness. One who is thus awakened is the most fortunate person in the entire universe, and out of compassion he naturally dedicates his life fully to the reawakening of all living beings. This is his sublime mission. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Srila Prabhupada Circled the Globe Thirteen Times to Deliver the Human Society from Illusion Answers According to the Vedic Version: Question: Demon Threatens to Steal My Next Body Dear Spiritual Teacher, I have been having some bad dreams. In these dreams a tall and aggressive female, Victoria, tells me she will steal the body intended for me in the next life and inhabit it. I turn to you at this time as you are a spiritual teacher. A.R. Answer: Krishna Gives Full Protection You don't have to worry. If you will take complete shelter of Krishna, you are not going to have whatever material body you were fated to have in your next life. By surrendering to Krishna you will instead return to the spiritual world to serve Krishna eternally in your original spiritual form. If you fully accept Lord Sri Krishna as your lord and master, you will never have anything to fear from ghostly and demoniac elements. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Transcendental Resources: Receive the Special Blessings of Krishna Now you too can render the greatest service to the suffering humanity and attract the all-auspicious blessings of Lord Sri Krishna upon yourself and your family by assisting our mission. Lectures and Kirtans in Audio and Video: Link to High Definition Videos Link to Over 1,000 Lecture Audios Lecture-Travel Schedule for 2011 Have Questions or Need Further Guidance? Check out the resources at: or write Sankarshan Das Adhikari at: Get your copy today of the world's greatest self-realization guide book, Bhagavad-gita As It Is available at: Know someone who could benefit from this? Forward it to them. Searchable archives of all of course material: Receive Thought for the Day as an RSS feed: Unsubscribe or change your email address Follow us on Twitter: Copyright 2005-2011 by Ultimate Self Realization.Com Distribution of this material is encouraged. Simply we request you to acknowledge where it is coming from with a link to our sign up page: Our records indicate that at requested to be enrolled to receive e-mails from the Ultimate Self Realization Course at: This request was made on: From the following IP address: • Email to a friend • ![]() ISKCON Transcriptions: Семинар по Вайшнава этикету и культуре Часть 3 (Russian version of the seminar)Семинар по Вайшнавскому Этикету и Культуре , проведенный Его Святейшеством Бхактивидьей Пурной Свами в 1998 году.
Когда мы молоды и многого не знаем, тогда конечно мы делаем все, что делают другие. Это естественно. Как дети, которые повторяют вслед за взрослыми. Но когда они начинают думать самостоятельно, тогда или они начинают следовать хорошему примеру, все тщательно изучая и стараясь все понять, или будут спекулировать и выдвигать свои собственные идеи. Важно понять, что у нас есть выбор – либо следовать тому, чему нас учат и демонстрируют на примере, либо делать все по-своему. Это то, что у нас есть. Поэтому живое существо должно очень глубоко понять свою свободу выбора, свободу разума, чтобы суметь правильно применить ее в своей жизни. Это то, что очень хочет Господь. Он хочет, чтобы мы использовали свой разум. read full story • Email to a friend • ![]() ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Today's Darsana
• Email to a friend • ![]() ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Ratha Yatra Part 3
• Email to a friend • ![]() Sita-pati dasa, AU: Melbourne Ratha Yatra Festival![]() Vish, Kana, and I get our Bollywood on at the recent Ratha Yatra festival. ![]() Epic Rock Moment for good measure... There are a bunch of great photos taken by Ananta Vrndavan here [Faceboook Photo Album]. • Email to a friend • ![]() Kurma dasa, AU: Nankhatai
Here's a good-looking recipe for spicy Indian bikkies, called Nankhatai. I haven't tried them yet, but anything from Sanjana's food website always turns out well. I am intrigued at the addtion of chickpea flour in the mixture. Of course chickpea flour is the mainstay of laddhus, so why not take advantage of its nuttiness in the baking department. • Email to a friend • ![]() ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Ratha Yatra Part 2
• Email to a friend • ![]() H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami (Ret.): 223[EXPLANATION OF THIS CONTENT:
Don’t get too ordered with your schedule or too virtuous with how many KC books you are going to read or even how much of Srila Prabhupada’s writing you’ll cram in one day. You space out a little at 9:30 A.M., not drawing or writing or reading. Minutes tick by, you browse at a few things. Is that wasting time? You could call it taking a breather. You might find a spark somewhere, an encourager or a challenge. Is this me in the wrong when Adrienne Rich writes in her intro to Best American Poetry of 1996: “I was constantly struck by how many poems published in magazines today are personal to the point of suffocation. The columnar, anecdotal, domestic poem, often with a three-stress line, can be narrow in more than a formal sense.” Back in house. Wait for mail. Take it easy. I’m getting clear days. How best to use them? What if someone asks me how I feel? Say, “I forget.” I think I’m still weak? Why are you not on the board of directors or zonal assistant deputies or sannyasis who act? (Draw guns fast from their pistol holders, “Have danda, will travel.”)—How about that? Oh, it’s witty, Diana Witty, who John Young mocked as “Dim Witty!” So cruel a boy, Juan Joven. “How did they mock him back.” I don’t think they did. It was understood he was a failure with girls. I made nine points in the one intramural basketball game when Class 57 won, triumphed over another class. We lost the next game, or maybe we didn’t even play another. Oh, wonder-scorer that afternoon, and Cathy Swanson attended and saw you score baskets and saw your legs. Wonnerful. These are the memories, the scary-scared kid, get on that bus 103 on Hylan Boulevard heading north from southernmost tip of S.I. The dream can be repaired, the memories can be revived. Push them out. What to do with them. Hitler
I don’t have memories like that. If you keep moving . . . you’ve got to keep the garbage moving or you’ll foul up and die like a city with stuck sewerage. Spills. The truth. The pause. Before he reads another, my dear mind, please worship the devotees of Krishna, call out to them for help when six highwayman robbers come to strangle you. Help! They will. I won’t go to Guyana in ’97. I’ll go to Trinidad and see the gray-haired disciples. I don’t own them. Fix the tickets. It’s that way. Hare Krishna. Okay, this has been fun, part of the relaxation, but now you have to read. But sir, it’s almost a sure thing that when I attempt it I’ll conk out. Then why not conk out in deliberate act, lie on bed with propped-up pillows? Don’t mind if I do—and tune in to KC thoughts. Chain of thoughts. Krishna dasa Kaviraja Goswami ends Chapter 7 of Madhya-lila with this verse: “One who hears these pastimes of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhhu with great faith will surely very soon attain the lotus feet of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu.” In this purport Prabhupada writes that everyone should engage in preaching, following in the footsteps of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Certainly Chapter 7 shows Lord Caitanya mightily preaching, empowering persons as He toured South India. Every person who met him went and preached and influenced many other devotees. “In this way one will be very much appreciated by Lord Krishna and will quickly be recognized by Him. Actually, a devotee of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu must engage in preaching in order to increase the followers of the Lord. By thus preaching actual Vedic knowledge all over the world, one will benefit all mankind.” I read it and then ask myself in an accusatory way, “Are you preaching?” I even doubt why Prabhupada should bring up preaching since the author didn’t bring it up preaching in his verse. In this way I mildly torture myself. But then I thought, “I am preaching, brhad-mrdanga preaching.” Just the other day a devotee called from Japan and asked permission to use some of my drawings on the cover of the Japanese version of Srila Prabhupada-lilamrta. That’s preaching. But perhaps Prabhupada and the acaryas want us to always feel bad. He says that unless you feel really unworthy, then there won’t be any room for improvement. I know that the psychologists say we ought to feel good, and that makes sense to me too. What to do? Are you convinced that Krishna consciousness is for the benefit of humankind? Yes. Then a preacher has to keep trying and striving. Out of many persons he preaches to, hardly one will become a serious devotee. But the preacher is determined to continue, to please Krishna. Noon Just a thought—in December you could chant thirty-two rounds a day, write another directed journal like Begging for the Nectar of the Holy Names. You could also spend time reading books of Rupa and Raghunatha Goswami and recording them. 2:30 P.M. Now I’m thinking I may stop this journal in favor of a directed one during a chanting increase. I glanced a few moments at my japa books Begging for the Nectar and Japa Reform Notebook. But then I see the good in Every Day, Just Write. It has reached a certain stage of non-pretension, the very fact that it has no focus—it’s truthful. I say what is rather than what should be said in a book on chanting or anything else. It’s as pure writing as I can get. I’m so suggestible. Just writing these lines, I began to sway towards not increasing the japa but increasing the writing. You are talking to yourself, a conversation with a dear friend. Keep it up. And gently, gradually, remind yourself of the goal of life and your need to improve. S.P. said the disciples were too grown up for him to chastise. If he does, they will break (away). And he said, “I’m an old man. I can’t chastise you.” Oh . . . I can’t (don’t want to) chastise, berate myself. Or whip myself into writing a certain book. I made a list of “vows,” restrictions on the first day of Karttika, but I haven’t followed any of them, or rather I followed the gist but not rigidly. One “vow” restriction was no listening to non-devotee music. But I listened. Now, however, I don’t feel like listening to it. I sense it doesn’t help me. Another Karttika restriction was no reading of non-devotee books. I read some poems and still do, but not much. That’s better for me. Do what you want, not by outer force. I’m too old to chastise. Want peace. So I don’t know about this japa increase and different kind of writing. Maybe take the same approach. Rather than a bold announcement and forced start—32 rounds, starting such-and-such, and end this book and come up with a new title and write on japa-related topics. Maybe just keep it in mind that harinama is the only way, and increased quota may help (although even when I try it, it usually returns to the same state later). • Email to a friend • ![]() H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami (Ret.): Poem, February 16You notice he’s writing about
• Email to a friend • ![]() H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Wednesday, February 16th, 2011The Kindest of All
• Email to a friend • ![]() From Sri Mayapur Candrodaya Mandir! HH Bhakti Sundar Goswami
He saw there the all-powerful Personality of Godhead in His boar incarnation, bearing the earth upward on the ends of His tusks and robbing him of his splendor with His reddish eyes. The demon laughed: Oh, an amphibious beast! • Email to a friend • ![]() Japa Group: Japa - Kirtan Retreat Part 5The retreat continues with the lila at Surabhi kund. • Email to a friend • ![]() Bhakti Vikasa Swami: Good chance to go back to Godhead, if...If we practice Krsna consciousness in this present body while in a healthy condition and in good mind, simply by chanting the holy maha-mantra, Hare Krsna, we will have every possibility of fixing the mind upon Krsna at the time of death. If we do this, then our lives become successful without any doubt. But if we keep our minds always absorbed in fruitive activities for material enjoyment, then naturally at the time of death we shall think of such activities and again be forced to enter material, conditioned bodies to suffer the threefold miseries of material existence. Therefore, to remain always absorbed in Krsna consciousness was the standard of the inhabitants of Vrndavana, as exhibited by Maharaja Nanda, Yasoda and the gopis. If we can simply follow in their footsteps, even to a minute proportion, our lives will surely become successful, and we shall enter the spiritual kingdom, Vaikuntha. >>> Ref. VedaBase => KB 46: Uddhava Visits Vrndavana • Email to a friend • ![]() Memories Part 51Siddhanta das: The Memories of Srila Prabhupada DVD series keeps on coming with the new release of Part 51 which features Bhakti Vikasa Swami, Laxmimoni devi, Caturatama das, Urmila devi, and Laksmi Nrsimhadev das. This one hour and 40 min. dvd contains amazing new anecdotes and learning lessons from these devotees’ experiences with His Divine Grace. Please watch the video below to get a sample of what can be found on this new release • Email to a friend • ![]() New Vrndavan, USA: LORD NITYANANDA’S APPEARANCE DAY FESTIVALEVERYONE IS INVITED TO COME AND TO BRING A YOUR SPECIALLY PREPARED BHOGA OFFERING FOR LORD NITYANANDA WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 16th 5:45 pm ABHISHEK 6:15 pm DISCOURSE ON LORD NITYANANDA 7:00 pm GAURA ARATI 7:30 pm DRAMA 8:00 pm SPECIAL PRASADAM FEAST HOPING YOU CAN ATTEND AND HELP MAKE IT A SPECIAL EVENT • Email to a friend • ![]() Akrura das, Gita Coaching: THE POWER OF GIVINGGiving is powerful. Many people will attempt to prevent you from taking, yet no one can stop you from giving as much as you wish.
• Email to a friend • ![]() Subhavilasa das ACBSP, Toronto, CA: Jai Nitai! Jai Nitai! Jai Nitai! Jai Nitai! Jai Nitai! Jai Nitai! Jai Nitai! Jai Nitai! Jai Nitai! Jai Nitai!O' most compassionate Sri Nityananda Ram we surrender at Your Lotus Feet. You appeared today to save the most fallen like us. We are fallen and worthless and beg the mercy of You Lord Nityananda. Dandavats, dandavats, dandavats, dandavats, dandavats, dandavats, dandavats again and again at Your Lotus Feet which are Redish in colour are not only cooling like a million moons but are more beautiful than all the flowers combined in this universe.
- Subhavilasa das & family ![]() Sri Nityananda Prabhu's face is more beautiful and cooling than the autumnal moon. The effulgence coming out from His body is supremely beautiful. He always moves like a mad elephant, since He is always intoxicated with krsna-prema. He is always mad after krsna-prema. His body is completely pure spiritual energy. He always has a smiling face. His eyes are very fickle, moving to and fro. His lotus hand always holds a glowing staff. Yes, that is Sri Nityananda, who by the beating of that staff, destroys all our reactions of Kali-yuga. We should take shelter of Sri Nityananda and cry for the mercy of Sri Nityananda! He is the root of krsna-prema bhakti-kalpa-taru, the root of the tree of loving devotion unto Krsna. I do my bhajana of Lord Nityananda, the very root of the krsna-bhakti-vrksa. ![]() Sri Nityananda Prabhu is the reservoir of all transcendental mellows. He is the life and soul of all the devotees. Nobody can compare to Him in all the three planetary systems. He is very dear to one and all. He is the beloved husband of Sri Vasudha and Sri Jahnava. He is always in an ecstatic mood of love! Always maddened and intoxicated with that mellow of love, krsna-prema. He is unknown to crooked and evil-minded persons. I do my bhajana of Lord Nityananda, the very root of the krsna-bhakti-vrksa. ![]() Lord Nityananda is very dear to Sriman Gaurahga Mahaprabhu. He always does good to the whole universe. He is always supremely bliss-ful. He is the embodiment of supreme happiness and blissfulness. He comes to this material world in this Kali-yuga to deliver the sinful persons. There is no limit to His mercy. He constantly does nama-sankirtana, destroying the pride of this dreadful ocean of material existence. I do my bhajana of Lord Nityananda, the very root of the krsna-bhakti-vrksa. ![]() Lord Nityananda tells Sriman Gauranga Mahaprabhu, "0 brother, what will happen to those most distressed and fallen jivas of Kali-yuga? What will happen to them unless You shower Your mercy on them? Please show them a way for their deliverance by which they can approach and get Your lotus feet." He always talks to Sriman Mahaprabhu like this. I do my bhajana of Lord Nityananda, the very root of the krsna-bhakti-vrksa. ![]() Lord Nityananda goes to every doorstep and requests everyone with folded hands, "0 my dear brothers, all of you engage yourselves in the chanting of hari-nama. If you do this and follow My instruction, I promise that you will very easily cross over this dreadful ocean of material existence." I do my bhajana of Lord Nityananda, the very root of the krsna-bhakti-vrksa. ![]() Like Agastya Muni, who by drinking a handful of water made all the oceans dry up, He forcibly swallows the ocean of repeated birth and death. He arose like a moon to swell up the ocean of mercy for the welfare of the jivas. He very easily destroys the sinful reactions of the most sinful degraded persons. He is very dear to the devotees. He is always busy doing good to the devotees. He is like the sun that dispels the darkness of the ignorant fools which descended by their sinful activities. I do my bhajana of Lord Nityananda, the very root of the krsna-bhakti-vrksa. ![]() He is always dancing and chanting, "Haribol! Haribol!" Uttering the name of Hari. He always engages in hari-nama-sankirtana. He always wanders on the streets of every city, town, and village casting His merciful glance over His dear devotees. I do my bhajana of Lord Nityananda, the very root of the krsna-hhakti-vrksa. ![]() He moves with Sri Gauranga Mahaprabhu holding His very soft lotus-like palm. He always looks at the moon-like beautiful face of Sri Gauracandra and becomes ecstatic and blissful! And Sriman Gauranga Mahaprabhu also looks at the moon-like, beautiful face of Sri Nitai. In this way, the two of Them are completely filled with blissfulness. He always makes all the inhabitants of the towns and cities wherever He goes mad with the intoxication of His beauty. I do my bhajana of Lord Nityananda, the very root of the krsna-bhakti-vrksa. ![]() Srila Vrindavana dasa Thakura says, "Whoever reads and recites with firm faith this Sri Nityanandastakam, will have the lotus feet of Sri Nityananda Prabhu soon revealed to him. These eight verses are the essence of bhakti-rasa. They are the life and soul of all rasika-bhaktas and the reservoir of all mellows. Lord Nityananda is the essence of the universe, the three planetary systems, and by His remembrance, the sinful reactions of all sinful persons are destroyed." • Email to a friend • ![]() Sri Nityananda Prabhu–An Incarnation of Mercy
We welcome you on the most auspicious occasion of Sri Nityananda-trayodasi in the merciful presence of Sri Sri Nitai-Gaurahari and other Deities. We shall read two verses from Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, Adi-lila, Chapter Five: "The Glories of Lord Nityananda Balarama." • Email to a friend • ![]() Akrura das, Gita Coaching: WHAT IS EDUCATION?This is education.
• Email to a friend • ![]() H.H. Bhakti Caitanya Swami: Report from Isvara Puri dasWith Guru Maharaja at Sri Sri Radha Radhanath Temple 25 January – 7 February 2011 On Tuesday 25 January, I received the opportunity to serve Guru Maharaja at Sri Sri Radha Radhanath temple while Arjuna-acarya prabhu returned home for a few days. Guru Maharaja was scheduled to visit the home of a well-wisher. Isvara Puri prabhu is a medical doctor and [...] • Email to a friend • ![]() Srila Prabhupada's Letters1966 February 16: "America is very much expensive. I have to spend about Rs 1000 per month and my Visa period will be finished by the end of March. It is my experience that your Holiness is very prompt in replying letters but I am very much anxious because I have not received your favorable reply." • Email to a friend • ![]() Srila Prabhupada's Letters1968 February 16: "I am so glad to see your attractive picture, just a brahmacarini. I pray Krishna that you may make further progress in Krishna Consciousness so that your spiritual beauty may come out more and more." • Email to a friend • ![]() Srila Prabhupada's Letters1970 February 16: "My Dear George, I beg to acknowledge receipt herewith of your contribution of $19,000 for publication of my book, Krsna, now going to the press. I am so much obliged to you for your cooperation in spreading my movement throughout the world." • Email to a friend • ![]() Srila Prabhupada's Letters1971 February 16: "They do not come in the parampara as such their line of thought is null and void. Our movement is revolutionary to such so called religious principles, gurus and swamis. So stick to our principles and preach Lord Caitanya's message." • Email to a friend • ![]() Srila Prabhupada's Letters1971 February 16: "This door-to-door Sankirtana is the mission of Lord Caitanya. Even there is language barrier, this door-to-door Sankirtana will fulfill your mission and you can introduce our literatures to the higher circles as you have done by presenting Krsna Book to the Prime Minister." • Email to a friend • ![]() Srila Prabhupada's Letters1972 February 16: "Every day I am receiving not less than ten to fifteen important letters. If the local GBC representative cannot answer from their experience, then I have given answer in my books - and still if they cannot answer, they may ask me." • Email to a friend • ![]() Srila Prabhupada's Letters1972 February 16: "Always stick tight to the point of our philosophy. We should not compromise in any way just to accommodate the public idea, but we can so tastefully present the real thing that we will change the public to accommodate us." • Email to a friend • ![]() Srila Prabhupada's Letters1973 February 16: "Within these standards lies the spiritual strength of our movement. If there is any deviation from the high standard of purity which has been established then it is the responsibility of my senior disciples and the local GBC representativse to rectify immediately." • Email to a friend • ![]() H.H. Sivarama Swami: Discussion with Russian disciples on how teachers can make students more respectful • Email to a friend • ![]() ISKCON Toronto, Canada: Presenting....Toronto Hare Krishna Internet Radio!!!
We are still working out kinks in the programming, so please bear with us. If you do encounter any problems, send us a quick message using the link in the radio window. We will try to fix it as soon as possible! We hope you enjoy this new addition to the blog and join us this evening as we celebrate Lord Nityananda's appearance day! • Email to a friend • ![]() Balabhadra dasa: Cowherd Outreach
• Email to a friend • ![]() Yoga of Ecology, Bhakta Chris, USA: Galloping Growth, and Hunger, in India
Globally, floods in Australia and drought in China have helped send food prices everywhere soaring — on fears the world will see a repeat of shortages in 2007 and 2008 that caused food riots in some poor countries, including Egypt. While India’s agricultural problems are part of this bigger global puzzle, in many ways India’s food challenges are more entrenched and systemic than those faced elsewhere. Western investors may take eager note of India’s economic growth rate of nearly 9 percent a year. But that statistic rings hollow in India’s vast rural areas. Agriculture employs more than half the population, but it accounts for only 15 percent of the economy — and it has grown an average of only about 3 percent in recent years. Critics say Indian policy makers have failed to follow up on the country’s investments in agricultural technology of the 1960s and ’70s, as they focused on more glamorous, urban industries like information technology, financial services and construction. There is no agribusiness of the type known in the United States, with highly mechanized farms growing thousands of acres of food crops, because Indian laws and customs bar corporations from farming land directly for food crops. The laws also make it difficult to assemble large land holdings. Yet even as India’s farming still depends on manual labor and the age-old vicissitudes of nature, demand for food has continued to rise — because of a growing population and rising incomes, especially in the middle and upper classes. As a result, India is importing ever greater amounts of some staples like beans and lentils (up 157 percent from 2004 to 2009) and cooking oil (up 68 percent in the same period). Food prices are rising faster in India than in almost any other major economy — and faster than they did during the 2007-8 surge. • Email to a friend • ![]() Book distribution seminar: distributing books life after life?Haribol to all the book distributors, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada Here a devotee asks a very interesting question to Srila Prabhupada: _again_distributing_books_for_you your servant Visnu Murti dasa • Email to a friend • ![]() Book Distribution News: distributing books life after life?Haribol to all the book distributors, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada Here a devotee asks a very interesting question to Srila Prabhupada: _again_distributing_books_for_you your servant Visnu Murti dasa • Email to a friend • ![]() H.H. Jayadvaita Swami: The VedaBase update has been releasedYou can download it here: VedaBase update 2011.1. • Email to a friend • ![]() Gouranga TV: Subal Dasa Kirtan • Email to a friend • ![]() ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Cooking Class at Krishna Fest
• Email to a friend • ![]() Japa Group: Japa - Kirtan Retreat Part 4Sacinandana Swami tells the story of Gopa Kumara. • Email to a friend • ![]() More Recent Articles
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