It's Shark Week! This is the week the Discovery Channel focuses on these feared but misunderstood creatures. The popular programming event started way back in 1987 to raise awareness and respect for sharks - a great deal more of them are killed by humans than the other way around. They are often cruelly maimed and slaughtered just for their fins - an ingredient in Asian soups.
A recent study by researchers at Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada estimates
63-273 million of them are killed each year for their fins. Some shark species are now at risk of extinction.
Still sharks do fascinate small boys. In my experience, a shark tooth necklace is a popular request from little guys! But rather than use a real shark's tooth, consider using a plastic toy instead.
Check out Morena's awesome set of pendants she made over on the
Dollar Craft Store. She used pieces cut from a single toy shark and painted them. Two she mounted with dimensional glaze.
Using plastic toys to makeover for pendants is a cool idea for fun funky jewelry!
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