Beaded fringes are easy to make. When amassed in quantity the fringe can really add bulk to a design. Depending on the color of beads used, the piece can also be very colorful and highly individual. It's also a great way to use up odd beads!
beaded fringe bracelet tutorial by Beki Haley over at
Whimbeads is simple enough for beginners. She includes fringe variations. Experienced beaders could also use it for a no-stress project to keep fingers busy! The number of fringes per core seed bead will determine how bulky the bracelet will be.
Mary Ann's tutorial over on Morning Sky Jewelry and Creations also uses a simple fringing technique to make her bracelet using a variety of bead types for a different look. She also bulks up the cha cha bracelet - she makes 3 fringes per core seed bead in order to get the fullness of her blue bracelet shown below.
caterpillar fringe beadwork bracelet video tutorial by tsummerlee of
TC Beads shows a wider fringe bracelet. The base is a strip of peyote stitching. The tutorial does not include the clasp.
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