Amazing Polymer Clay Jewelry and Journals by Mandarin Duck

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UK based Aniko Kolesnikova of Mandarin Duck is an extraordinary award winning polymer clay artist. It's not just her technical skill with the medium but her astonishing imagination and vision for her range of jewelry, journals and jewelry box designs.  It's very difficult to pinpoint this talented artist's definitive style because she is capable of so many styles.

Arabian Nights Labradorite Polymer Clay Necklace

Her Labradorite pendant above is not a metal piece but one wrought with polymer clay as if it were crafted by a metal smith!  Likewise with the scarab beetle creation below - an Egyptian inspired steampunk design!

Aniko is masterful with dark grey and black polymer clay.  The design below is from her Dark Knight Fantasy collection.

Aniko says the art of Hans Rudolph Giger, the award winning designer for the movie “Aliens” inspired her Prometheus bracelet below which  "embodies the biomechanical/gothic feel of his earlier work."

Aniko is also known for her amazing polymer clay journals.  They are exquisitely detailed.  The owl journal below was a custom order.

Peony Journal

Her Child of the Dragon journal features a baby green dragon that's just hatched and is munching on leaves!

Work in progress
Please watch Aniko's video which showcases many of her incredible polymer clay journals.  Be prepared to have your mind blown!

Aniko also has an Etsy store.

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