Julian Fellowes' (Downton Abbey) recently released film adaptation of Romeo and Juliet is the celebrated scriptwriter's attempt to make Shakespeare's play palatable for modern audiences. He said, "Every
generation is interested in love. But there is something about young
love that is heartbreaking, and I think every teenager in the world
would agree. All of that is very powerful. The point about teenage love
is it’s before cynicism comes in to reshape one’s attitudes. You love
when you’re young in a way that you’ll probably never love again."
Douglas Booth and Hailee Steinfeld as the star-crossed lovers |
The sumptious production features bedazzling costumes. It's Swarovki's first venture into films even though their crystals have been the mainstay of many film and stage costume designs for many decades.
According to the Hollywood Reporter, Julian Fellowes is an old family friend of Nadja Swarovski, the great-great granddaughter of the crystal company's founder. When he called her looking for a backer, she jumped at the chance to launch Swarovski Entertainment.
The film's costume designer, Carlo Poggioli and the talented artisans did an amazing job with the luscious clothing and accessories.
Check out the video which shows the people behind the costumes. Renaissance portraits were a source of inspiration. The rich in those days wore sparkling gems on the bodices, belts and even on the hair nets.
The movie trailer shows scenes shot in the beautiful Italian locations, Verona and Mantua - the bard's original locations, still relatively intact since Shakespeare's time.
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