Wondrous Wood Jewelry by Xylocopa

Wondrous not only describes the jewelry of the husband and wife team behind Xylocopa, that's also their goal - making wondrous things.  Andrew Waser and Michele Lanan are from Tuscon, Arizona and both are multi-talented.

Octopus Pendant

They make all kinds of things from different kinds of wood and other natural materials including some pretty cool Mad Science alphabet blocks as well as jewelry.  Michele is the chief designer and is "responsible for the art and design behind nearly every product that Xylocopa makes".  She is a scientist and an accomplished musician as well. 

Pangolin Earrings
That scientific interest is obvious in the biologically themed designs and even their store name which comes from the scientific name for the carpenter bee, genus Xylocopa, a busy wood worker just like them!  They use lasers as well as good old fashioned tools to create their designs. The pangolin and squid earrings are adorable!

They also make awesome kinetic jewelry.  The mechanical heart pendant below consists of interlocking wooden gears which can be hand turned.

The gear wheels of the bicycle design also turns!

All their designs come from sustainably harvested wood sources or reclaimed wood.  They also use natural oils for finishing. They are also inspirational in other ways.  They are bicycled powered.  Andrew said, "Chances are, when you order from us, your order was delivered to the post office by bicycle!

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Original Post by THE BEADING GEM
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