Best Jewelry Display Color to Use?

Do you sell jewelry?  If so, you probably have some displays.  There are all types available out there although some artisans prefer to make their own (see links below).  I myself bought one black bracelet holder and promptly regretted it as my designs did not show well.  I now use whitish fabric or even frosted plastic displays for my more colorful designs.

The choice of what color background is very much dependent on the predominant color of your jewelry designs.  I like it when someone actually does the experiment to show this is indeed the case! 

Sarah from the Jewelry Supply company demonstrated on this video, the difference black, grey and white backgrounds make to a range of crystal colors.

It's really much like the backgrounds we pick for jewelry photography.  Grey is the easiest compromise as it will show off all colors well. I sometimes use black for jewelry photography as it brings out strongly silvered or light designs better.  But I prefer lighter jewelry display backgrounds as the lighting may not be great in some locations. Black makes it harder for people to see the pieces.

At least that's what I think. What do you think? 

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Original Post by THE BEADING GEM
Jewelry Making Tips - Jewelry Business Tips 

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