Winner of Beadeux's $40 Cross Stitch Pendants Giveaway

It is unaminous.  Those of you who did cross stitch really appreciated Jennifer's neat laser cut pendants and her giveaway too!

Maneki, a reader who also embroiders said, "On a side note, I find that foundations (be it aida or laser cut wood) for cross stitch also work for many other stitches so if one doesn't like cross stitch or beadpoint, there's still a lot you can do with them. Not even mentioning they can be used as sieve components, wiring beads, charms etc to them."  That certainly makes the Beadeux pendants very versatile!  Thanks for the ideas, Maneki.

So who won?  I numbered all the eligible entries and hopped over to where the random number generator picked the one assigned to Echoruby.  Congratulations!  I do not have your contact info so please email me asap by next Monday.  If not I will redraw.
Original Post by THE BEADING GEM
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