How to Make an Easy Scarf Ring

I love wearing scarves but for the life of me, I just can't remember more than a few ways to wear them.  My memory is so bad, I have to resort to my past posts on various creative and fun ways to wear what are scarf necklaces.  Not very practical when one is in a rush to go out. The cooler weather will soon be upon us so I  had to find an easy solution.

This how to make an easy scarf ring tutorial will literally take you only a couple of minutes if you buy ready made blanks.  Mine measures 3 inches long and is aluminum. This is a good length for long rectangular chiffon style scarves.  Longer blanks will be needed for thicker scarves.  You may have to saw or use metal snips to trim bracelet blanks to size. Remember to file down rough edges.

Use the round part of a hammer to create dimples on one side of the metal.

All that hammering does distort the blank.

So flip it to the wrong side and whack it flat with a nylon hammer to avoid adding any more marks on the piece.

Hammering on the edge also distorts the edge itself.  I kind of like this look but if you don't, then avoid hammering too close to the edge.

Really cost effective metal mandrels can be found at your local hardware store.  I used a 1/2 inch pipe connector in the plumbing section and started to bend the hammered blank around it.

Set the shape by hammering with the nylon hammer.

The ends should over lap so the thin scarf will not slip out.  Riveting is optional.  I kept mine unriveted and thus adjustable. I could slightly enlarge it if I use a thicker scarf.

Viola!  An easy scarf ring.  Long time readers will remember a similar project where I used a small rectangular metal blank and stamped a design on it.  So that is another option to dress up a scarf ring.

Double up the scarf and slip the middle through the ring.  It's much easier to wear the scarf when you are doing the next bits.

Also slip the ends of the scarf through the ring but behind the first part of the scarf.

Fluff up the scarf and you're done!

Not into metal work?  Make beaded scarf rings or even rivet a thick leather strip together.

Before You Go:

Original Post by THE BEADING GEM
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