Explore My New Blog Design!

Some of you may already have noticed it but I have a new blog design!  It was long overdue.  What you will see is a clean, faster loading, highly readable design with a magazine inspired layout. It should display just right whether you are reading this blog on your smartphone, tablet or computer.

beading gem blog

I have reorganized a number of things. I'm now just the Beading Gem as there was no room to fit The Beading Gem's Journal!

Overall there is improved navigation to help you find past posts.

The SEARCH box is at top right.  Also in this section are all my social media links.  Click on my photo in the first folder tab and it will take you to my ABOUT page.  The EMAIL subscription box is just below.

beading gem blog

The MAIN MENU has drop down choices  :

beading gem blog

My favorite new feature is the animated DON'T MISS ticker which rotates some memorable posts and maybe some of my humor. My selection will be updated regularly.

beading gem blog
Towards the bottom are the most current posts in some topics like Tips and Tricks and Tools :

beading gem blog

As well as the week's most POPULAR posts on the bottom right:

beading gem blog

And there is MORE TO DISCOVER in the footer!

beading gem blog

Check it out !  If you only have smartphone access, scroll down to the bottom of your screen and select VIEW WEB VERSION instead of the default mobile view. Tablet owners should see the full blog as those reading from computers.

Do you like it?  And oh, please let me know if something looks awry your end.

Before You Go:
Original Post by THE BEADING GEM
Jewelry Making Tips - Jewelry Business Tips 


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