Clever Idea with Bead Caps on Earrings!

I've always admired the work of master jewelers where they can add intricate metal work, often diamond encrusted, on small focals. One example is the Faberge chalcedony egg pendant I saw at the Montreal exhibition earlier this year. Emi over on Small Good Things had a very clever idea with bead caps on earrings.

What she did was to choose the right bead caps and cut off the bits she didn't want. A little twisting/shaping and gluing and she was done! The glued on rhinestones are optional.

This tutorial can be applied not just to round pearls but just about any bead. Just add more filigree cut outs if you wish to cover more area.  If you look back at my Faberge exhibition post, the large 1912 Imperial Czarevitch cobalt blue egg is a magnificient inspiration.

Before You Go:
Original Post by THE BEADING GEM
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