It's been a while since I have come across a wonderful wire and bead flower tutorial.
This one for a wire looped flower is very clever too! It was written by Olga from the
Pezotka blog. The best and easiest way to translate the page is to use the Chrome browser, right click and select Translate to English.
Here's why I thought it was so clever. She used 2 side by side rods to wind a length of wire using a figure 8 pattern. No, bail forming pliers will not work as well as using metal rods or wooden dowels. You do have to choose the rods of sufficiently different diameters for this design to be effective.
She suggests 20G to 24G wire ( 0.8- wire diameter). She also uses the same wire thickness to capture and wrap the smaller loops as shown below.
The fun part is the wire wrapping of strands of beads!
Can't manage the double loops? Check out the
single loop flower tutorial by Donatella over on
Inspiration and Realisation.
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