Scorpions aren't exactly cuddly creatures. Yet many enjoy crafting them out of paper as in origami or with wire.
I wrote about one wire scorpion bracelet tutorial years ago. But since then, there are other designs. These are more decorative pieces. Or you could enjoy the challenge of learning how to manipulate wire for these projects.
This first one is by LyThong Art who uses 20 G wire.
It's not for everyone, but I think the wire scorpion looks great as a desk ornament! This artist works very fast. So you may have to rewind and watch a few times. Also note that the way he finishes the pincers is not the same as the scorpion in the above picture. You could choose to twist the wire tightly.
Luis Lopez has a different approach to his scorpion design as you can see
from his tutorial.
I really like
his scorpion wire pendant necklace tutorial. Especially the way he finishes the pincers. Luis switched to Spanish for this one but it is probably still doable even if you don't know Spanish. The previous tutorial helps. But Luis commented that he might well redo it in English at some point
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