Latin Word of the Day

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2019-04-30 00:30Latin Word of the Day - dux: commander, leader
2019-04-29 00:30Latin Word of the Day - hodie: today
2019-04-28 00:30Latin Word of the Day - eventum: outcome, result
2019-04-27 00:30Latin Word of the Day - cupire: to desire
2019-04-26 00:30Latin Word of the Day - iucundus: pleasant
2019-04-25 00:30Latin Word of the Day - nescire: to not know, to be ignorant
2019-04-24 00:30Latin Word of the Day - illacrimare: to weep over, to lament
2019-04-23 00:30Latin Word of the Day - oboedire: to obey
2019-04-22 00:30Latin Word of the Day - signum: sign, indication
2019-04-21 00:30Latin Word of the Day - paupertas: poverty
2019-04-20 00:30Latin Word of the Day - tangere: to touch
2019-04-19 00:30Latin Word of the Day - excitare: to call out, to rouse, to kindle
2019-04-18 00:30Latin Word of the Day - nauta: sailor
2019-04-17 00:30Latin Word of the Day - principium: beginning, origin
2019-04-16 00:30Latin Word of the Day - salvus: safe
2019-04-15 00:30Latin Word of the Day - aequare: to make equal
2019-04-14 00:30Latin Word of the Day - quondam: once, formerly
2019-04-13 00:30Latin Word of the Day - dementia: madness
2019-04-12 00:30Latin Word of the Day - plane: clearly
2019-04-11 00:30Latin Word of the Day - honestus: honorable
2019-04-10 00:30Latin Word of the Day - vulgus: common people, public
2019-04-09 00:30Latin Word of the Day - audire: to hear, to listen to
2019-04-08 00:30Latin Word of the Day - intempestiva: untimely, out of season
2019-04-07 00:30Latin Word of the Day - effugere: to flee from, to escape
2019-04-06 00:30Latin Word of the Day - iterum: again, a second time
2019-04-05 00:30Latin Word of the Day - vitium: fault, vice, crime
2019-04-04 00:30Latin Word of the Day - vinculum: chain
2019-04-03 00:30Latin Word of the Day - reverentia: respect
2019-04-02 00:30Latin Word of the Day - finis: end
2019-04-01 00:30Latin Word of the Day - vix: scarcely


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