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2024-09-07 04:30New Article: "The Benefits of the Fourth Amendment's Property-Rights Baseline"
2024-09-06 04:30Court To Phoenix: Clean Up Your Act!
2024-09-04 04:30CA9: No Taking For Charging School Fees, Because Idaho's "Free Common Schools" Clause Does Not Create Private Property Interest and more...
2024-08-30 04:30They Say It's Your Birthday, Well It's Our Birthday Too, Yeah! Entering Our Eighteenth Year
2024-08-26 04:30S Dakota: Only Way To Read Precondemnation Entry Statute Constitutionally Is Allowing "minimally invasive superficial inspections" and "minor soil disturbances"
2024-08-23 04:30New Cert Petition: When State Law Bars Owner From Challenging A Taking, Can Federal Court Abstain?
2024-08-22 04:30PA: No Funny Business - It Isn't A Public Purpose For Railroad To Take Property To Benefit Single Customer
2024-08-21 04:30Colorado App: Executory Contracts Admissible To Prove Value Of Condemned Property
2024-08-20 04:30Back To School For Dirt Law @ William & Mary, Season VII
2024-08-16 04:30New Cert Petition: Can An Owner Whose Property Has Been Taken Sue A State Directly Under The Fifth Amendment?
2024-08-14 04:30Lawprof Somin: "Federal Appellate Court Rules in Favor of Takings Lawsuit Against the CDC's Covid-Era Eviction Moratorium"
2024-08-13 04:30Michigan: "few rights and legal principles have greater legal, historical, and constitutional pedigrees than the protection against uncompensated takings"
2024-08-12 04:30A Property Rights Advocate Is An Environmentalist Who Has Been Overregulated: Anti-Takings Advocate Argues For The Right To Exclude
2024-08-10 04:30Register Now: 21st Brigham-Kanner Property Rights Conference, William & Mary Law School, Sep. 12-13, 2024 and more...
2024-08-09 04:30New Cert Petition: After Permit Denial, To Ripen A Takings Claim Do You Have To Keep On Trying?
2024-08-06 04:30Book Launch Event, Aug 13, 2024: Jim Burling, "Nowhere to Live: The Hidden Story of America's Housing Crisis"
2024-08-01 04:30New Article: "The Ends of Means-Ends Scrutiny" and more...

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