SEBS and NJAES Community Chronicle

June 2024

Photo of Yorqui Morales



Yorqui Morales (SEBS'24)
On the road to becoming a doctor, Yorqui plans to provide quality patient care by also focusing on the environmental factors that influence health. Read more.

Photo of David LoBiondo



David LoBiondo (SEBS’24)

Living alongside his peers and caring for the plants and chickens at Helyar House helped to shape David’s choice of a graduate degree. Read more.


Associate professor Kimberly Russell is part of a research team that has designed novel structures to aid the p​​​​​​​roliferation of wild, native bees, which are key pollinators for the food supply. Read more.

Photo of Kimberly Russell

Assistant teaching professor Jack Harris spent several weeks in Scotland developing a study abroad program that enables students to learn from people deeply engaged with problems of sustainability in their communities and regions. Read more.

Photo of Jack Harris

The Rutgers Office of Career Exploration and Success is seeking alumni across all industries to serve as mentors in the 4Ward Career Pathways Program. The program seeks to assist undergraduate students with clarifying their career goals while providing them with tailored career advising, 1:1 mentoring with Rutgers alumni, networking opportunities, and access to recruiting resources to reach post-graduation success. Email with questions and to express your interest.

Screenshot of adult mentoring youths

Early bird pricing for the annual Cook Community Alumni Association Fish Fry at Rutgers Gardens ends on June 26. This is the biggest annual alumni event for our school and a great opportunity to connect with your fellow alums.​​​​​​​ Register now.

Photo of Cook Alumni Association fish fry at Rutgers Gardens
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