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XpertHR - Employment Intelligence Archive for September, 2012

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2012-09-28 20:30XpertHR - Employment Intelligence - 2 new articles
2012-09-27 20:30XpertHR - Employment Intelligence - Changing patterns of employment & employment law reform: A double whammy for UK workers?
2012-09-25 20:30XpertHR - Employment Intelligence - 2 new articles
2012-09-24 20:30XpertHR - Employment Intelligence - UK needs policies that would make Thatcher look 'very moderate' to boost productivity, says academic
2012-09-21 20:30XpertHR - Employment Intelligence - HR data round-up September 2012: Back to basics on performance management?
2012-09-19 20:30XpertHR - Employment Intelligence - The world of work in 2020: A very different place for us all?
2012-09-17 20:30XpertHR - Employment Intelligence - Could opposition to radical employment law reform move up the union agenda?
2012-09-12 20:30XpertHR - Employment Intelligence - 2 new articles
2012-09-11 20:30XpertHR - Employment Intelligence - 2 new articles
2012-09-10 20:30XpertHR - Employment Intelligence - Company cars: Check out XpertHR's new interactive benchmarking data resources
2012-09-07 20:30XpertHR - Employment Intelligence - Union activity on the rise as TUC plans mass demonstration in London for Saturday 20 October 2012
2012-09-06 20:30XpertHR - Employment Intelligence - Olympics 'cannot alter the underlying economic situation,' says Mervyn King
2012-09-05 20:30XpertHR - Employment Intelligence - 2 new articles
2012-09-04 20:30XpertHR - Employment Intelligence - Can the UK's unusual 'mix of deep recession and shallow job losses' last?
2012-09-03 20:30XpertHR - Employment Intelligence - UK economic prospects 2012/2013: Triple-dip recession?


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