2019-12-31 00:30 | | Latin Word of the Day - varius: varying, fickle |
2019-12-30 00:30 | | Latin Word of the Day - subito: suddenly |
2019-12-29 00:30 | | Latin Word of the Day - monstrum: monster, omen |
2019-12-28 00:30 | | Latin Word of the Day - sapiens: wise person |
2019-12-27 00:30 | | Latin Word of the Day - acer: sharp |
2019-12-26 00:30 | | Latin Word of the Day - cras: tomorrow |
2019-12-25 00:30 | | Latin Word of the Day - copia: troops; abundance |
2019-12-24 00:30 | | Latin Word of the Day - optimus: best |
2019-12-23 00:30 | | Latin Word of the Day - trahere: to drag |
2019-12-22 00:30 | | Latin Word of the Day - nolle: to not wish, to be unwilling |
2019-12-21 00:30 | | Latin Word of the Day - mutare: to change, to alter, to exchange |
2019-12-20 00:30 | | Latin Word of the Day - ignis: fire |
2019-12-19 00:30 | | Latin Word of the Day - cupiditas: desire, longing, passion |
2019-12-18 00:30 | | Latin Word of the Day - salus: safety, health |
2019-12-17 00:30 | | Latin Word of the Day - aetas: period of life, age, time |
2019-12-16 00:30 | | Latin Word of the Day - concordia: harmony, unity |
2019-12-15 00:30 | | Latin Word of the Day - dubitare: to hesitate, to waver, to doubt |
2019-12-14 00:30 | | Latin Word of the Day - volare: to fly, to fly away |
2019-12-13 00:30 | | Latin Word of the Day - exspectare: to expect |
2019-12-12 00:30 | | Latin Word of the Day - audere: to dare |
2019-12-11 00:30 | | Latin Word of the Day - comes: companion |
2019-12-10 00:30 | | Latin Word of the Day - conservare: to preserve |
2019-12-09 00:30 | | Latin Word of the Day - loqui: to talk |
2019-12-08 00:30 | | Latin Word of the Day - iungere: to join |
2019-12-07 00:30 | | Latin Word of the Day - proscriptus: outlaw |
2019-12-06 00:30 | | Latin Word of the Day - canis: dog |
2019-12-05 00:30 | | Latin Word of the Day - ultimus: farthest, extreme, final |
2019-12-04 00:30 | | Latin Word of the Day - corpus: body |
2019-12-03 00:30 | | Latin Word of the Day - virtus: virtue, courage, excellence |
2019-12-02 00:30 | | Latin Word of the Day - pulcher: beautiful |
2019-12-01 00:30 | | Latin Word of the Day - insidiae: ambush, plot, treachery |