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What's the Word for this?

It's not schadenfreude, because I'm not happy any of these people are dead. To be clear: Yes, they were horrible people. The things they said about us, and their unrepentant desire to force a medical treatment on the rest of...

WTMWD #87 : Why Does there Need to be a Food-Freedom Movement? With Niti the Farmacist

The Rogue Food Conference starts today, so I thought it would be a good time to share my conversation with Niti Bali - the "high priestess of the pasture", according to Joel Salatin. We cover a lot of ground in...

WTMWD #86: Do Goldbacks solve sound money's biggest problem?

Goldbacks are shiny! But what else makes them special? I ask founder Jeremy Cordon. We talk about the practicalities of Goldbacks, how they are made, how to use them, and how to know they are what they say they are....

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