Larry Ferlazzo's Monthly Website Newsletter -- December, 2016

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November’s “Best” Lists – There Are Now 1,639 Of Them

Here’s my regular round-up of new “The Best…” lists I posted this month (you can see all 1,639 of them categorized here):

The Best Fun Videos For English Language Learners In 2016 – Part Two

The Best Online Learning Games Of 2016 – Part Two

The Best Science Sites Of 2016 – Part Two

The Best Social Studies Sites Of 2016 – Part Two

My Ten Best BAM! Radio Shows In 2016 – Part Two

The Best Resources On Class Instruction In 2016 – Part Two

The Best Articles, Videos & Posts On Education Policy In 2016 – Part Two

All My 2016 “Best” Lists In One Place

A Look Back: 2013’s Best Posts From This Blog

The Best Resources For Learning About Our New U.S. Secretary of Education

The Best Videos For Educators In 2016 – Part Two

The Best Posts On The Value Of Ethnic Studies Classes – Help Me Find More

The Best Articles On What The Trump Presidency Might Mean For Schools

The Best Ways For Responding To Student Trauma – Help Me Find More

The Best Glossaries Of Education Terminology

The Fifty Best Web 2.0 Applications For Education In 2016

November’s Top Posts From This Blog

I regularly highlight my picks for the most useful posts for each month — not including “The Best…” lists. I also use some of them in a more extensive monthly newsletter I send-out. You can see older Best Posts of the Month at Websites Of The Month (more recent lists can be found here).

You can also see my all-time favorites here. I’ve also been doing “A Look Back” series in anticipation of this blog’s tenth anniversary in February.

Here are some of the posts I personally think are the best, and most helpful, ones I’ve written during this past month (not in any order of preference). There are a lot of them this month:

“‘Self-Control Doesn’t Just Happen, it Needs to be Taught’”

My New BAM! Radio Show Is On What Teachers Learn From Their Most Difficult Moments

Video: Big Bang Theory Shows (Sort Of) How Close Reading Is Supposed To Work

Ways A Mainstream Teacher Can Support An ELL Newcomer In Class

It’s The Time Of Year For Student Recommendations & This Form Might Help

The New “Google Sites” Opens To The Public

I Can’t Decide If “Write & Improve” Is The Best Or Worst Site To Help ELLs Improve Their Writing

“‘Student Autonomy Is a Prerequisite of Self-Control’”

“Five Guidelines For Effective Classroom Management” Is My New British Council Post

The Mannequin Challenge, ELLs & A Frozen Tableau

Ways To Support Students With Trauma Is Topic Of My New BAM! Radio Show

TIME Publishes “The Most Influential Images of All Time”

Remembering “Breaking The Plane” Solved My Classroom Problems This Week

No, Most Educators Are Not “Fueling Student Anxieties” – Trump Is Handling That On His Own

The New “PhotoScan” By Google Is One Of The Most Useful Apps I’ve Ever Seen

“‘Give me Longer Class Periods & More Space,’ Pleads Science Teacher”

Mathematica Releases “Must-Have” Guide For Any Educator Trying To Interpret Research

Neat “Copy-Editing” Interactive From NY Times – Do You Know Of Tools That Let You Create Similar Ones?

Student-Created Fallacy Videos

Prodigy Math Game Lets Teachers Create Virtual Classrooms

My New BAM! Radio Show Is On How To Organize Great Field Trips

Wash. Post Publishes Letters From My Students To Trump (ELL Sentence Frames Included)

My Latest British Council Post Is On “Critical Thinking”

Will Disney’s “Moana” Be More Helpful Than Unhelpful To Our Pacific Islander Students, Their Families & Culture?

“It’s ‘Vital’ for Teachers to ‘Integrate Controversial Topics Into Lessons’”

“Sugarcane” Lets You Create Lots Of Different Learning Games

The Last Two World Series Champions Emphasized Social Emotional Learning Skills

“‘Controversial Topics Should not be Avoided’ in School”

Video: “Human Population Through Time”

Jimmy Fallon Takes Mad Libs To Another Level & It May Be Useful For ELLs

Using “My Shot” From Hamilton With ELLs & Others (Including Writing Prompt)

My New British Council Post is On Student Strategies for self assessment

Two New Useful Resources On Teaching Writing – And An Old One

“Young Writers Program” Looks Like An Excellent Online Site To Assist Student Writing

Most Popular Posts Of The Month

As regular readers know, at the end of each week I share the five most popular posts from the previous seven days.

I thought people might find it interesting to see a list of the ten most popular posts from the previous thirty days:

  1. The Best Websites For Creating Online Learning Games
  2. “Learning Apps” Is One Of The Top Educational Websites Of The Year!
  3. The Best Resources For Helping Teachers Use Bloom’s Taxonomy In The Classroom
  4. A Simple & Effective Classroom Lesson On Gratitude
  5. The Best Comic Strips For Students & Teachers In 2012 — So Far
  6. The Best Popular Movies/TV Shows For ESL/EFL (& How To Use Them)
  7. The Best Sites For Learning About The World’s Different Cultures
  8. The Best Online Virtual “Corkboards” (or “Bulletin Boards”)
  9. The Best Sites To Learn About The 2016 U.S. Presidential Elections
  10. The Best Places To Get The “Same” Text Written For Different “Levels”

November’s Updated “Best” Lists

I am constantly adding new resources to my over 1,600 categorized “Best Lists.

I also regularly “cull” through the lists to weed-out dead links, but haven’t been very systematic about doing that task.

So, I’ve started to go through them and highlight the ones that I’ve gotten around to completely cleaning-up and revising. I’ve completed this process with 223 lists so far this year.

Here are a list of them from this month (you can see previous compilations here):

The Best Collections Of Online Educational Games

The Best Sites For Learning About Pearl Harbor

The Best Online Resources About President John F. Kennedy

The Best Sites To See “Photos That Changed The World”

The Best Resources For Geography Awareness Week

The Best Online Sites For Creating Music

The Best Sites To Learn & Teach About Thanksgiving

The Best Sites For Learning To Write A Story

The Best Ways To Keep-Up With Current Education Issues

The Best Resources For Learning About World Toilet Day & The Issue Of Public Sanitation In The Third World

The Best Websites To Learn About Veterans Day

The Best Sites For Learning About Daylight Savings Time

The Best Resources For Learning About The Great Depression

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