'Larry Ferlazzo's Monthly Website Newsletter' - 1 new article - June's “Best” Lists – There Are Now 1,924 Of Them Here's my regular round-up of new “The Best…” lists I posted this month (you can see all 1,924 of them categorized here): The ...
Larry Ferlazzo's Website Newsletter - June, 2018

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June’s “Best” Lists – There Are Now 1,924 Of Them

Here’s my regular round-up of new “The Best…” lists I posted this month (you can see all 1,924 of them categorized here):

The Best Fun Videos For English Language Learners In 2018 – So Far

“Best” Lists Of The Week: Thematic Lists For Beginner ELLs

The Best Online Learning Games Of 2018 – So Far
“Best” Lists Of The Week: Special Months

“Best” Lists Of The Week: Holidays, Anniversaries & Special Days

The Best Science Sites Of 2018 – So Far

The Best Ways To Help Parent Refugees & The Children Who Have Been Separated From Them

The Best Resources For Learning About The Terrible Practice Of Separating Immigrant Parents From Their Children

“Best” Lists Of The Week: Refugees & Immigrants

The Best Social Studies Sites Of 2018 – So Far

“Best” Lists Of The Week: Active Citizenship

“Best” Lists Of The Week: Collaborative Learning

My Favorite Posts In 2018 – So Far

The Best Resources On Class Instruction In 2018 – So Far

The Best Videos For Educators In 2018 – So Far

My Best Posts On New Research Studies In 2018 – So Far

All 2018 Mid-Year “Best” Lists – In One Place!

“Best” Lists Of The Week: Responding To Student Trauma

“Best” Lists Of The Week: Education Research

“Best” Lists Of The Week: Teaching With Movies

The Best Resources Helping Educators Learn About Suicide & Warning Signs

The Best Ed Tech Resources Of 2018 – So Far

The Best Resources For Teacher & Student Podcasting

The Best Web 2.0 Applications For Education In 2018 – So Far

My Favorite Posts That Appeared In June

I regularly highlight my picks for the most useful posts for each month — not including “The Best…” lists. I also use some of them in a more extensive monthly newsletter I send-out. You can see older Best Posts of the Month at Websites Of The Month (more recent lists can be found here).

You can also see my all-time favorites here. I’ve also been doing “A Look Back” series in recognition of this blog’s eleventh anniversary this past February.

Here are some of the posts I personally think are the best, and most helpful, ones I’ve written during this past month (not in any order of preference):

Guest Post: Teaching the Language of Science

Video: My Thirty Minute Presentation On Teaching English Language Learners

After Spending $575 Million On Teacher Evaluation, Gates Foundation Says, “Oops”

Big New Study On Reading Instruction

“‘Every Teacher’ has to Help ELLs Meet Common Core Standards”

My Latest BAM! Radio Show Is On Managing Staff Conflicts At School

This Is A Fascinating & Useful Study: Charts Are More Convincing Than Text

Guest Post: Supporting ELLs In Math Instruction

Guest Post: Teaching Math To English Language Learners

Guest Post: “Speaking of Math: It’s time to talk in class”

“Too Many Professional Development ‘Horror Stories’”

“Improve Professional Development With ‘Choice, Debate & Feedback’”

New Study Suggests That It Takes 25% Of People To Turn Minority Opinion Into Majority One

Study: People Are More Engaged & Creative If They Trust The People They Are Working With….

Guest Post: “Support Reading, Support Mathematics Understanding”

“Ways to Build Partnerships Between Teachers & Researchers”

“Maps That Changed Our World”

The Golden State Warriors & Social Emotional Learning

Here Are The Non-Education Podcasts Readers Recommended For Teachers

Highlights From Last Two Weeks Of The Online Book Chat About Our New ELL Book

Essential Classroom Management Advice: Listen For The Emotions, Not The Words

“Author Interview With Rick Wormeli: ‘Fair Isn’t Always Equal’”

Yes, There Are Problems With The Marshmallow Test, But I Wouldn’t Throw It Out

Nice Review Of Our New Book, “The ELL Teacher’s Toolbox”

Another Reason iSLCollective Is One Of Top Sites For ELLs – Their New Online Homework Feature!

Starbucks Releases The Racial Bias Curriculum They Used Today

“Teacher Burn-Out is ‘Contagious’”

June’s Most Popular Posts

As regular readers know, at the end of each week I share the five most popular posts from the previous seven days.

I thought people might find it interesting to see a list of the ten most popular posts from the previous thirty days.

You might also be interested in Eleventh Anniversary Of This Blog: What Have Been My Most Popular Posts? (Part One) and Part Two: Eleventh Anniversary Of This Blog – What Have Been My Most Popular Posts?

Here are this month’s most popular posts:

  1. After Spending $575 Million On Teacher Evaluation, Gates Foundation Says, “Oops”
  2. The Best Sites For Learning About The 2018 World Cup In Russia
  3. The Best Websites For Creating Online Learning Games
  4. The Best Online Learning Games Of 2018 – So Far
  5. What Do You Do On The Last Day Of Class? (Part Two)
  6. The Best Web 2.0 Applications For Education In 2018 – So Far
  7. The Best Popular Movies/TV Shows For ESL/EFL (& How To Use Them)
  8. The Best Online Virtual “Corkboards” (or “Bulletin Boards”)
  9. The Best Sites For Learning About The World’s Different Cultures
  10. The Best Resources For Helping Teachers Use Bloom’s Taxonomy In The Classroom
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